
 Yahobab (yakobob) - a kind of astrakhan smushek derived from lambs karakul, astrakhan-Ukrainian sheep and their crosses. Together with jolting yahobab included in the third group, the least valuable by fur-style quality. The first group is represented beggar, karakulcha, doodle-karakulcha, the second - doodles. Curls yahobaba flabby, raspletistye, with less than that of the doodle, glitter, length ...
 Yahobab (yakobob) - a kind of astrakhan smushek derived from lambs karakul, astrakhan-Ukrainian sheep and their crosses. Together with jolting yahobab included in the third group, the least valuable by fur-style quality. The first group is represented beggar, karakulcha, doodle-karakulcha, the second - doodles. Curls yahobaba flabby, raspletistye, with less than that of the doodle, glitter, hair straightening length of the scroll on the skins in the neck reaches 3-5 cm. Changes in the coat, leading to a decrease in the value of commodity raw materials, due to the age of lambs: the most valuable types of astrakhan smushek obtained during the period from the 120th day of fetal development to 3 days after birth. Yahobab - skins fallen or were forced to slaughter lambs aged from 7 to 12 days (according to some sources - from 15 days to a month). The market value of yahobaba about four times less than a doodle.