
 Rynda - a term denoting units personal bodyguards of the kings and princes of Russia XVI-XVII centuries. As a rule, Rynda accompanied his master during the various military campaigns and missions. Much attention was paid to the appearance of bodyguards. They usually wore feryazi made of satin or velvet cloth predominantly white. Also, this clothes ...
 Rynda - a term denoting units personal bodyguards of the kings and princes of Russia XVI-XVII centuries. As a rule, Rynda accompanied his master during the various military campaigns and missions. Much attention was paid to the appearance of bodyguards. They usually wore feryazi made of satin or velvet cloth predominantly white. Also, this clothing was decorated with ermine fur collars and embroidered with silver. Shoes bell usually consisted of morocco boots white. This class of personal bodyguards was abolished by Peter I in 1698.