
 Plerezy - detail of ancient mourning attire as white ribbons sewn on the cuffs and gates. This finish was a privilege of nobles, and wore it for both men and women. Plerezy were made of frosted white muslin, their width is determined by the title and the social position of the wearer. These tapes - a sign of a particularly deep ...
 Plerezy - detail of ancient mourning attire as white ribbons sewn on the cuffs and gates. This finish was a privilege of nobles, and wore it for both men and women. Plerezy were made of frosted white muslin, their width is determined by the title and the social position of the wearer. These tapes - a sign of a particularly deep mourning. They are supposed to wear during the first months after the death of loved ones - parents, spouses and children, as well as in the days of mourning for the deceased emperor. Later plerezy sparyvalis - during polutraura they are no longer worn. In modern mourning clothes white ribbons are not used.