
 Kugelhaube (from it. «Kugel» - ball, the core; «haube» - cap) - rounded woman's headdress on a rigid base in Germany from the Middle Ages (XV-XVI centuries.). Consisted of a cap and hood and characterized by a large volume. Kugelhaube were mostly mature women, unlike the girls to cover their heads and hair braided ...
 Kugelhaube (from it. «Kugel» - ball, the core; «haube» - cap) - rounded woman's headdress on a rigid base in Germany from the Middle Ages (XV-XVI centuries.). Consisted of a cap and hood and characterized by a large volume. Kugelhaube were mostly mature women, unlike the girls to cover their heads and hair braided mesh, as well as various types of veils, plates and caps. Later (beginning of XX century.) Kugelhaube became known as helmets with a miniature on top of the kernel, which were Prussian soldiers.