
 Kilt - a traditional item of clothing men in Scotland. This plaid pleated skirt, or rather, just the cloth wrapped around the waist. Kilt is usually wool and has a pattern of intersecting at right angles bands of two colors. Initially, the kilt was a big warm blanket, which was worn in the manner of his cloak. Subsequently, he "turned" into a kind of ...
 Kilt - a traditional item of clothing men in Scotland. This plaid pleated skirt, or rather, just the cloth wrapped around the waist. Kilt is usually wool and has a pattern of intersecting at right angles bands of two colors.

Initially, the kilt was a big warm blanket, which was worn in the manner of his cloak. Subsequently, he "turned" into a kind of skirt. In Scotland this national kind of clothes partially adopted some neighboring nations, such as the Irish, Welsh. Army rainy British Isles wore kilts because they dry faster than pants, they can easily be reset, and at night - shelter them from the cold. But since the mid XX century kilt became a national holiday decoration and wedding ceremonies in Scotland. Some men still wear it as casual wear, but these fans is getting smaller.