
 Inlay - an element of decoration of clothes, a strip of cloth, which the product is processed along a longitudinal line on both sides. Usually inlay is designed for finishing edges of the fabric, but often it is used for fastening on the product ruffles or lace. According to a method of treating Bakey divided into stitched and their configuration. Molds cut stitched in three models: Equity, ...
 Inlay - an element of decoration of clothes, a strip of cloth, which the product is processed along a longitudinal line on both sides. Usually inlay is designed for finishing edges of the fabric, but often it is used for fastening on the product ruffles or lace.

According to a method of treating Bakey divided into stitched and their configuration. Molds cut stitched in three models: Equity, and cross at an angle of 45 °. Bakey their configuration are single or double. If Bakey pritachivat falls on the oval line, then cut it to make the direction of the warp threads is strictly at an angle of 45 °. In the event that it is necessary to lay Bakey through a large curvature, it must priposadit. For details of this length is taken from a stock of approximately 2 cm.