
 Avant-garde or avant-garde style - a trend in fashion, originating in the work of avant-garde artists, flowering of creativity which occurred at the beginning of the XX century. The style is characterized by unusual forms, bright colors, a combination of different materials and geometric. Initially, the avant-garde style was typical rebellious, sharp social character, but later became a component of pop culture. Meanwhile ...
 Avant-garde or avant-garde style - a trend in fashion, originating in the work of avant-garde artists, flowering of creativity which occurred at the beginning of the XX century. The style is characterized by unusual forms, bright colors, a combination of different materials and geometric. Initially, the avant-garde style was typical rebellious, sharp social character, but later became a component of pop culture. However, the style is quite clearly stands out from the standard concepts of fashion.

The avant-garde image - always a holistic conceptual unit in which all the elements, despite its unusual and sometimes pretentious, very harmoniously with each other. For example, garments rarely used without a make-up and accessories. The most prominent representatives of the avant-garde style in the fashion world are Pierre Cardin, who is considered the founder of the style, Vivienne Westwood and Zandra Rhodes.