
 Tattooed - decoration hairstyles made of lace or decorative material. The first tattoos became popular in the Middle Ages, they later returned repeatedly. The choice of material and shape decorations depended on the age. For example, in the XVII century were in fashion tattoos of large lace framing hairstyle like cap, and in the XIX century ...
 Tattooed - decoration hairstyles made of lace or decorative material. The first tattoos became popular in the Middle Ages, they later returned repeatedly. The choice of material and shape decorations depended on the age. For example, in the XVII century were in fashion tattoos of large lace framing hairstyle like cap, and in the XIX century were lush lace or cambric ruffles issued out from under the cap. Decoration pinned to her hair long metal studs for special occasions it can be supplemented by strings of pearls or hairpins with precious or semi-precious stones. In the XIX and early XX century a small headdress of starched cambric was a required attribute maid costume. Today tattoos motifs used in the creation of wedding hairstyles.