October 2008: horoscope hairstyles

 This horoscope hairstyles are prepared based on the lunar calendar and the moon's effect on hair growth. Days cutting hair have both a beneficial effect on the fate of a man - a positive impact on longevity, luck and visual appeal; and negative, since haircut these days can damage human life force and bring trouble. Horoscope hairstyles allows you to choose the right time to visit the barber.

October 1

As a result, hair cutting or creating hairstyles, you will attract to yourself the joy and happiness.

October 2

Today is a very unfavorable day to visit the barber. Cutting hair may bring to the man many problems, illnesses and disorders.

October 3

On this day, listen to yourself: if you have a strong desire to change the hairstyle or make a new hairstyle, then be sure to visit his master.

October 4th

On this day, better refrain from cutting, as this can lead to sickness: high blood pressure, headaches, a sense of fear.

October 5

Mowing made that day, would benefit not only your appearance, but also the spiritual world. You have aggravated intuition and insight skyrocket mind.

October 6

Today's visit to the hairdresser bring you joy and restore peace of mind. This will also affect the hair: after shearing, they will grow thicker.

October 7

Haircut, made this day will not go unnoticed. Your new image will be captivated all around.

October 8th

As a result, the disease may appear haircuts and obstacles in business. High probability of injury. Oriental legends haircut in this day may bring to you the harmful spirits.

October 9

Today should refer to the hairdresser - Haircut prolongs life.

October 10,

Haircut increase eye pressure and lead to vision loss. As a result of shearing, the probability of inflammation, the appearance of barley.

October 11

A beautiful day for cutting hair. The result of the barber exceed the highest expectations, and the surrounding appreciate your new look.

October 12

This day is like a set for a visit to the hairdresser. Made today haircut attract better financial situation, increase ownership and benevolence of the authorities.

October 13

A wonderful day to visit a hair salon: new haircut attract luck and prosperity.

October 14

On this day, better refrain from cutting, as this can lead to sickness: high blood pressure, headaches, a sense of fear.

October 15

Tonight day to visit the barber. Haircut, made this day will change for the better all your life. In the coming months will be beneficial changes in personal life, career and health.

October 16

After the haircut, to do that day, the hair will become thinner. But will slowly grow and form created hairdresser persist for a long time. Probably change hair color and they will be a little darker.

October 17

Today stizhka bring you not only the satisfaction of their own appearance, but good luck.

October 18

Cutting hair in this day can significantly impair your health. Today is better to avoid changing the appearance.

October 19

Today's haircut will not only make you more attractive, but also to attract good luck.

October 20

A very bad day for cutting hair: can be various diseases. If you want to avoid health problems - today refrain from visiting a hair salon.

October 21

On this day cutting hair can increase eye pressure, leading to vision loss or exacerbation of ocular diseases. It is better to postpone the visit to the barber.

October 22

On this day, better refrain from cutting, as this can lead to sickness: high blood pressure, headaches, a sense of fear.

October 23

Cutting hair is undesirable today: you can "cut" your luck.

October 24

Cutting hair in this day is not recommended, because it attracts misery and disease.

October 25

As a result, hair cutting or creating hairstyles, you will attract to yourself the joy and happiness.

October 26

Cutting hair may bring to you the quarrels and litigation, you can quarrel with the chief. There is a risk of conflict with a loved one.

October 27

Today is perfect for a change of image. Made today haircut enrich you not only aesthetically pleasing, but almost: your financial situation improved markedly.

October 28

Mowing will acuteness of feelings, increase your capacity for foresight and sagacity of mind.

October 29

If a haircut on this day, the hair will grow better, become dense and lush. But remember that today is contraindicated chemical effect on the hair (coloring, perms). A sophisticated styling, made this day will last long.

October 30

It is better to refrain from mowing - may have health problems: increased nervousness, headaches.

October 31

Today, you can safely go to his master: after a new haircut, your hair will grow beautiful and healthy.


Tags: hairstyle, horoscope, October