Horoscope hairstyles 15 -30 September 2008

 Even the most ordinary hair cut can radically change your fate. This horoscope is made based on the lunar calendar and the moon's effect on hair growth. Lunar days are divided into favorable and unfavorable for cutting hair. Days cutting hair have both a beneficial effect on the fate of a man - a positive impact on longevity, luck and visual appeal; and negative, since haircut these days can damage human life force and bring trouble. Horoscope hairstyles lets you choose the right time to visit the barber.

September 15

Today, you can safely go to the hairdresser. Haircut made today will change for the better all your life. In the coming months will be beneficial changes in personal life, career and health.

September 16

This day is like a set for a visit to the hairdresser. Made today haircut attract better financial situation, increase ownership and benevolence of the authorities.

September 17

Auspicious day to experiment with their hair. New image not only to change appearance, but will accurately reflect your attitude.

September 18

A beautiful day for cutting hair. The result of the barber exceed the highest expectations, and the surrounding appreciate your new look.

September 19

Today, you can safely go to the hairdresser - it will add you confidence, attract luck and uslit business acumen.

September 20

This day is like a set for a visit to the hairdresser. Made today haircut attract better financial situation, increase ownership and benevolence of the authorities.

September 21

Today is a very unfavorable day to visit the barber. Cutting hair may bring to the man many problems, illnesses and disorders.

September 22

A good day to visit the barber. Today's haircut attract luck and prosperity.

September 23

A very bad day for cutting hair: can be various diseases. If you want to avoid health problems - today refrain from visiting a hair salon.

September 24

As a result, hair cutting or creating hair, you attract into your life good luck and happiness.

September 25

Today is better refrain from cutting, otherwise problems may arise in different areas of life. Negative habits and evils manifest in full, increase craving for alcohol, and the ability to control their emotions, on the contrary, decreases.

September 26

Good day to strengthen the hair ends. For this we use special oils and emulsions. There will also be rezultativen scalp massage.

September 27

As a result, hair cutting, increase the charm of appearance, you will please people.

September 28

A wonderful day to visit a hair salon: new haircut attract luck and prosperity.

September 29

On this day visit barbershop beneficial impact not only on your appearance, but also on the financial position. Today's Grooming Hair will attract into your life the richness and abundance.

September 30

Today's visit to the hairdresser bring you joy and restore peace of mind. This will also affect the hair: after shearing, they will grow thicker.


Tags: hairstyle, haircut, horoscope, September