Permanent press

Permanent press
 Wrinkle resistance indicator is set in operation as well as in the manufacture of the garment. For a variety of materials in the textile industry even has special regulations. For example, silk fabrics are divided into three groups: more than 55% - permanent press, 46-44 - low level, 30-45 - the average degree of creasing. Least of all this ...
 Wrinkle resistance indicator is set in operation as well as in the manufacture of the garment. For a variety of materials in the textile industry even has special regulations. For example, silk fabrics are divided into three groups: more than 55% - permanent press, 46-44 - low level, 30-45 - the average degree of creasing.

The last thing this characteristic peculiar kostyumnym, board tissues, raincoat, film-coated, etc. Almost do not crumple quality woolen fabrics and those whose members are lycra / elastane, some types of synthetics. In contrast, much rumpled cotton and linen fabrics.

To when buying tissue to determine whether it can be easily deformed, try to squeeze her hand and see whether the material is straightened immediately or left the fold.