Angelic creature without a ring on the ring finger and the Official Favorite Wife - are two different people. The reasons for these changes, of course, become men - rough, unromantic, inattentive, and generally obmelchali - this is common knowledge. And argue with that no one is going - our own peril. But sometimes mistakes are made and princesses. Here are the top women's major mistakes that I have been able to determine, interviewing friends, studying statistics and comparing all with their own experiences.
1. Do not relax!
Many women regard marriage as the finish line, after which you can fall without force. The goal is reached - he is now nowhere to stay. High heels, sexy dresses and hairstyle can be easily changed to slippers, hair curlers, favorite robe and nourishing mask for the face khaki. Yes, of course, he had - his own, and like you (like it should!) Him in any way. And he does not mind, as is typical.
Total: eventually disappeared somewhere veil of romance, innuendo, riddles, if you want ... and return it will be oh how difficult.
2. Thank you, Mr. Bell!
According to professionals to dissuade man threw off a bridge, a good psychologist requires 15 to 30 minutes. To discourage the purchase of a friend-same-as-you-have-blouses, sometimes not enough for three hours. But your husband is also sometimes wants to talk with you. And do not understand what I'm talking so much time. Wants to understand, but does not understand. Even when listening. After all, he is almost certainly not aware of the latest trends in the spring collections, and knows nothing about the development of relations between the steppes and Alena.
Total: however important to you may seem to the issues discussed in terms of your husband you're just wasting time that could be spent on it.
3. Post passed! Post received!
One of the main roles of married husband - to help his wife with the housework!
This absolutely sure 99% of the wives and husbands of 1%. Wonderful ground for family conflicts. Coming home from work my husband believes that their main function getter, he has already done and deserves a rest, which should give him half a favorite. But there it was!
Keeps you on the family hearth! You sit with your child, you go shopping, wash, clean, cook! Therefore, in the evening neither physical nor mental strength remains. And he, instead of help - sofa, beer, TV. Quarreling? More often than not, according to psychologists, scandals happen because of the money. A second and third places are occupied by jealousy and just failure to spouses of household duties.
Total: quiet life you only ensures a clear understanding of their roles in marriage. The most severe family conflicts begin in cases where the presentation of each of the spouses of roles - his own and the second half - diverge.
So communicate, negotiate and keep the agreement. A physical and mental strength diligently persisted until the arrival of a loved one - you both from this will only get better.
A! You can still just over the head with a frying pan lazybones. But this is a very radical way. And in some cases, even a one-off.
4. The Council, yes, love?
Men become initiate divorce only in 9% of cases.
Every man in the head there are a number of cockroaches, which are better left alone ... to avoid, for example, self-esteem - is sacred. Not even a sense of self, and our presentation of it. Therefore, if by the grace of his wife any words and actions of her husband can be interpreted by the public as his blunder - wait for the explosion of the atomic bomb. Well, or firecrackers. Depending on the temperament.
Total: do not let your husband advice publicly, do not criticize and do not comment publicly his words and actions. In general, in order to pay attention to you do not necessarily say anything. 'Cause you look so amazing!
5. Shop was!
The worst defeat favorite football team for your husband can only be a joint shopping trip. Better to leave it at home, such as tinkering birdhouse. Better than all of this will be (think of the homeless starlings).
6. Dirty activity
Little annoying men more than general cleaning in his presence. The first sound of the vacuum cleaner is enough work to your husband was ready to go somewhere to escape. And here it is important to re-direct its energy in the right direction. If svorechnik is ready, you can send it to my mom to fix her iron.
7. Clear victory
You - the best! It is an axiom. And the proof is not necessary.
So - attention! - Never focuses on his superiority over her husband what whatsoever. (The results of measurements of breast volume - does not count).
By the way, driving a car better than her husband - is generally a fatal error. Fix it as you wish.
8. Who goes to visit in the morning?
According to men, unmarried girls talk mostly about men.
Of course, you have a best friend. And no telephone conversation will not replace you live human communication. But here, as elsewhere, the measure is necessary. Remember that frequent walking on a visit to unmarried girlfriends without a husband (and with it, perhaps, too) can irritate the spouse. The fact that, in the opinion of men (and rightly so) unmarried girls talk mostly about men, discussing them and their dignity.
9. On a wink and a nervous tic
Of course, you want all the men. Well, or the absolute majority of them. It is worth to you to come to the office for her husband (by the way, why did you do that ?!) - and all the staff have already rolled neck, watching your movements.
And this is where I want to remind you that flirting with friends husband - it's bad. Flirting with strangers, I just do not see as a mistake even difficult to call. This is a crime.
10. Every pretty
Tenth place was shared several common mistakes women, which are approximately equally can lead to unpleasant consequences for the family.
- Any unflattering about his mother, friends, sexual performance and sexual needs.
- Critical days (I understand that this error lies genetically, but to do this I can not. At least with PMS decide something, I do not know).
- Creek and tears as commonly used means of influence ...
This list is certainly not complete, although it is sufficient to test the strength of your Blessed. However, even if you are absolutely intent to commit all these errors, the likelihood that her husband left you, it is still extremely low. After all, statistics are men initiate divorce only in 9% of cases. But here, they manage to show weakness.
Every fourth re-divorced man marries his previous wife, every third - aspires to it.