Been there - know

 Swimming - this is the easiest way to get in shape, improve your posture and acquire a healthy look. But as long as necessary to swim to get in shape?


So, write down or remember! Kroll helps to tighten abs and arm muscles. By the way crawl - the champion of energy consumption, it helps to burn up to 570 calories per hour. Backstroke improves posture and helps remove excess zhirok sides, and swimming breaststroke helps pump up and make it more elastic hips and calves.

Lyuby view swimming stamina and beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. We prove that the classes in the pool relieve nervous tension and stress. Moreover, swimming is less than or aerobics classes at the gym, injure muscles and joints. Therefore, the pool is recommended to walk even for those who have problems with their knees or spine.

How Much?

To lose weight and strengthen muscles, experts recommend to swim for 45 minutes three times a week. Spend 5 minutes to warm up a little by the side of the pool. Then 15 minutes - free leisurely swimming. You need to muscle and heart accustomed to operating mode in the water.

Then are passing 400 meters with special foam plate. 200 meters - holding it with both hands, 200 - with one hand. This will load the muscles of the legs. Remaining time swim the chosen style. First, as quickly as possible, and then - they allow forces. The last meters are passing on his back, calm and relaxed. Restore breathing.