Fine figure on Feng Shui

 Chinese divide everything into yin and yang. Yin - feminine, yang - male. Yin - cold, yang - the heat. Yin - passive, yang - activity. The state of the human body can also be classified into yin (dim view, lethargy, slowness of movement, pallor, depression, low blood pressure) and yang (live view, excitement, red skin, sweating, aggressiveness, high blood pressure).

Aesculapius of ancient China gave priority to the prevention of diseases. It is based on an understanding of the body as a whole, which are created, circulate and interact with each other five types of energy.
Each person from birth is the main body that affects their health and that is most vulnerable at certain times of the year.

And it is not about a particular organ, but of the whole system, "tied" on it.
For example, the spleen Chinese medicine considers himself organ, muscle, adipose tissue and mouth. Spleen makes a nutritional product mixture exiting the stomach. And strictly ensures that every organ, every muscle received their required dose of power.

And if it is in excellent condition, the food is well absorbed by the body, the muscles are flexible, body fat is minimal, but the facial skin radiates health. People who have the spleen - the main element of the body prone to overeating and obesity. They have a weak stomach, flabby muscles, there are problems with the oral cavity and skin. And, as a rule, all diseases are aggravated in late summer.

How to lose weight on a horoscope?

People born under the"Earth" signsIt is necessary to focus on foods that contain calcium and protein. Therefore astrological diet for representatives of the "earth" (Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo) should consist of foods that contribute to building and strengthening bones: milk, cheese, meat, vegetable protein (abundantly contained in brown rice and beans).

The air element is associated with the development of mental activity and balance the nervous system. In this connection, the stellar diet for those born under"Air" signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and should include foods that stimulate the activity of the brain and nervous system: seafood, any food rich in vitamin B12, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system (meat, soy products, Swiss cheese, pickles and marinades), and as green shoots, celery, oranges and almonds.

"Fire" signs responsible for metabolic stimulation and circulatory system.

Therefore, the diet on a horoscope for people whose element - fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) should consist of foods containing vitamin E, as well as useful to use sprouted wheat, sunflower seeds, salmon, peanut butter, mushrooms, parsley, zucchini , asparagus, carrots, broccoli, avocado, spinach, turkey meat. People "fire" signs should be careful with the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol, as well as eggs, fats and ice cream - these foods clog arteries.

The digestive and excretory system is in "run by" the element of water. Thus, astrological diet for members"Water" signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) is made up of light, natural products that have a diuretic effect, and foods high in potassium, helps to eliminate water from the body and reduces allergic reactions to foods or substances floating in the air.

Dining on a horoscope in this case include the following products: strawberries, asparagus, cantaloupe, bananas, almonds, potatoes, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, fish, tuna, radishes, celery, cucumbers, parsley, beans and oatmeal - a diuretic.

Astrological chart also gives information about the rate of metabolism in people born under the sign of horoscope or otherwise. It is obvious that astrological diet should also take into account these characteristics of the organism and consist of food, corresponding horoscope.

For example, fire signs burned food very quickly, since the rate of metabolism in them is very high, and the proteins they need to feed their excess energy.

The appliance should be in an inconspicuous corner or decorative decorated. It is useful to put in the northern part of the kitchen some black statuette, since Black - the color of water.

Tips for Feng Shui:

• Divide the kitchen into two zones (you can use the screen). In one area - prepare food in the other - eat.
• Use a ceramic dish.
• Kitchen table should be round, oval or octagonal, but not transparent. This will improve digestion and harmony in the family.
• Eating is necessary in the following order: first, cold appetizers, hot dishes and then round off the meal dessert. Binge drinking and alcohol is allowed at all times during meals.
• The board must be present germinated seeds of oats, wheat, rye, as they have a lot of B vitamins Lack of vitamins in the body of this group causes the deposition of fat around the internal organs and water retention;
• Drink green tea (but contraindicated for people suffering from low blood pressure).
• Meals are beautifully decorate and during meals to enjoy their beauty.

Recipes for Feng Shui


Green peas (fresh) - 100 g, seaweed - 100 g Water - 1 cup.
Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Ready to eat 1 serving per day. Course - 2 weeks.

When violations of thyroid function and circulatory system

1. Seaweed - 200 g Water - 1 cup. Cook for 5 minutes. Take 2 times a day for freshly prepared portions. Course - 1 week.
2. Green beans - 60 grams, seaweed - 30 grams, rice - 30 g, cinnamon - 6 g, raw sugar - 60 grams of water - 1 cup. Simmer for 7 minutes. Take 1 time per day. Course - 2 weeks.
To stimulate the stomach

1. Jacket potatoes - 250 g of honey - '10 Boil the potatoes, peel and mash. Mix with honey and taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Course - 2 weeks.
2. Cabbage - 500 g rice - 50 grams of water - 1 cup. Boil the rice until cooked, add the cabbage and stew for 5 minutes. Divided into 2 portions, taken in the morning and evening. Course - 2 weeks.

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