How to choose the perfect gift for the man?

 Holidays are always great day for us. And every holiday, we would like to celebrate in a pleasant atmosphere with the company of close friends fun and interesting. In addition, after the good of the holidays we have a great mood and a lot of effort. Right? In this case, we have not encountered any problems in the solution with whom to spend the holiday in which to celebrate, in what circumstances? This is of course important questions, but not complicated.  

But what I really put into a stupor, it's a gift to find his girlfriend. It's a pretty difficult question, which I delivered headache, cloud problems and took on a huge amount of time.

But still it is very important that would leave it unattended. Judge for yourself. Correctly choosing a gift, you hereby tell a man: "I understand you, your needs and concerns." And what do you say to him when giving the wrong gift? Guess yourself.

In general, I've picked up a gift for his girlfriend - a dvd - collection of the series "Friends".

And then wondered if I guy is very difficult to find a good gift for a girl (not necessarily for his girlfriend), it is no less difficult and the girl pick up a really good guy gift. This prompted me to write this article.

So, to choose the best gifts for men (not necessarily your guy), you need to know about his life and style, as much as possible.

What he enjoys appliances, electronics, sports, arts, dancing, singing at karaoke? He loves to amend or more inclined to break? He likes the technical tools or any new device? What he desire? What are its goals? He likes to read or vice versa physically do? Maybe he likes to walk in the open air. Or maybe he one of those guys who rides with incredible speed on the bike?

He spends his free time watching TV or DVD movies? Likes to talk on a cell phone. Some men are a little secretive. One of my friends likes to collect corks from bottles. And your friend does not collect or anything? Some men are addicted to fast cars, computer games, music.

In general, it is clear, the more you know about it, the more accurately you will be able to pick up a gift, the better he will appreciate the gift itself and your efforts.

Before I reveal to you the secret of a great gift, understand one more thing, no matter what gift was, for a man it is important that it was useful. That is, postcards, paintings, flowers, plush toys, pictures and all the like there should not even be in my thoughts.

Most men would prefer to get a set of tools, any thing from electronic equipment, video camera, sports equipment.

If the gift is placed in a pocket or on a keychain can be put into the machine, it is generally excellent. An example is the original bottle opener, knife, flash card, secure diplomat for longer trips. True diplomat hardly fit in your pocket, but still a great gift.

When you have a rough idea that it is better to give a man, I want you to discover interesting formula, using which you can find the best gift.

Are you ready? Here it is:

His interests + his needs and concerns the relationship between you + + + event your budget = great gift

How to use formula? You substitute a category that corresponds to the case and gives little thought to other elements. For Example:

Computer Repair + Shift + information + friendly new budget year + 600 rubles = flash cards

Try to substitute in the formula, as can be more specific categories. For example, in this case just "Computer" is a very wide term, but the communication on the Internet will bring to the idea that you can give your friend a great keyboard.

You may not always know about the interests or needs, but in any case you have increased the likelihood of a successful purchase a gift.

Good luck to you when choosing a gift.

Author: Alex Ziza

Tags: gift