"Does it make on a first date? Men against "

 Intimacy on the first date - one of the most controversial and debated topics on forums and blogs. A clear opinion on the matter until society has not happened, however, every man for himself undecided. On the men's choice - our article.

I have to say, having studied a variety of forums and blogs (I was interested predominantly male, but female and there were many interesting answers and opinions), I realized that a clear conclusion on the subject can not do one - there are always pros and cons. And the argument is quite balanced. However, in general, can be traced several trends:

Women tend to justify sex on the first date.

Increasingly, the fair sex openly talk about sex when you first meet them is not abhorrent. And even on the contrary. According to the girls, the only way to know whether a man is able to impress and worthy of it at all in order to spend time on it. There is a category of women (rather large), which is looking for dating for the sake of sex. More exalted nature justify sex on the first date of unbridled passion, "union of souls" and clouding the mind.

Men tolerant of women agreed to have sex when meeting.

Domestic gameday males are becoming more tolerant. Men recognize the equality of women in choosing when and with whom, many even glad thatGirls are becoming more liberated. Reviews about women immediately agreed to have sex, it is very different (both in substance and in tone, written communication), however, those who believe that a woman has no right to accept intimacy, almost was not.

Sex on the first date leaves a lot of impressions, but rarely leads to the continuation of the relationship.

Despite the long and heated debate, the majority of the inhabitants of the Internet space eventually recognized that quick sex rarely leads to a long and happy life. Even if sex was the beginning of the relationship, only a few of them ended in marriage.

Frankly - I opponent sex on the first date. I have on that is the reason. Therefore, in the network (and in the real world - the answers are also included in the sample), I decided to look for like-minded people. I was particularly interested in the man's opinion, because as a woman I understand that encourages ladies to give up sex. Men "against" had accumulated quite a few (some phrases slightly modified in order to comply with the censorship rules, spelling and punctuation features posts saved).

Men believe that if she agreed to have sex when they first met, she always does.


«Constantly gets on vulgar girls, they have for me honey smeared. In life many things seen enough, and confidence in our sweet and gentle creatures absent. I would like to find one that she would not that has not changed, and generally behaved more than adequately in dealing with strange men»

Darth Vader

«If a girl is "given" immediately, so we did not get it. I am so disgusted to treat. Two hours to talk and she is ready to push the legs. I certainly do not deny, but when she told me about love then starts to rub that type of passion she leaped up to me trying to quickly get rid of it»


«Recently had a date with a new girl. At night we went to the bar, specially planted it in the corner. She was wearing a miniskirt, of course, we drank a little, and she lost vigilance. I almost brought a finger to her oragazma. And she told me later in the car said that sex on the first date is not engaged. I honestly speaking, was in shock - as can be seen, that is not the first I did it in a bar crawl between his legs, so why start to break down. Strange you, girl»


«I hate to think that if she agreed to have sex with me, so she probably would have agreed with my friends ... this is some kind of incest is obtained»


«Parable: One day a woman came to the sage and asked: Why a man, who had a lot of women - a good man, a woman who had a lot of men - bad?

This sage replied, because a key that can open all the locks - a good key and lock, which can open up any clues - a bad lock.

I want to have my safe was not a woman! »

Men are afraid of diseases.


«Not to me. I and "thou" halting turn, but also fastidious in the extreme. Nah, with a stranger can not, podprivyknut necessary, to get involved, learn better»


«I also think that having sex on the first date is invalid. And it's not only that man think of the lady. In today's world it has become life-threatening. If you ekstremal or you have nothing to lose ... And anyway! I would like to exclaim: "Well, unless you can apply to your life! ". On the first date with a man whom you do not know, for the opportunity (because it can not be) fun - to risk their health. No, thank you! »


«Now I'm an adult and another uncle became relates to sex. And before that, in his youth, just in case. But the consequences were so ill that do not even know how to spell. And scratching, and all zudilo and three months in hospital. After that, the feeling was that it is not to engage in sex, and garbage visited»

Men want to spiritual intimacy.


«Putting aside the desire to have sex is stupid (in this case, the first date is likely to be the last), and assume that the first meeting aims to build some serious relationship, I believe that sex on the first date is absolutely nestestvenen.

Convergence should occur gradually. The first sex, anyway, both partners must somehow open up to each other (and all open at different speeds and desire). And then, the first sex has to be something in common, some relationship building. Then sex is the motivation in addition to purely physiological»


«On my first date ever was such a character, first find a good, well, then ... maybe stupid»


«I'm surprised when some admit that they can have sex on the first date, because they really want to partner. It's hard to really want a man, if you just met him and then a date, and then hop - in bed! It is not sex - and some fast food, so sorry for the correlation ... Personally, I do not even kiss on the 2nd date, about sex and say nothing. Should not be confused state when between my legs, I'm sorry, itchy, and specifically the state of lust that's the man ... For me, the process of convergence - an intriguing game, aesthetic and physical pleasure. That's when excited only by the fact that the desired potential partner near worth sexual contact. Not dully coupling as in animals. Yet a man - a creature that lives not only instincts»


«Do not promise but probably not ... for me, sex is a continuation of love, relationships, and not otherwise ... hardly possible on a first date... "


«Just do not tell what you can build a strong love with a pacifier, who gave the first approach. Funny... "

Sergey V.

«Sex with your favorite - it does not meet the physical requirements, and the possibility of body language to say something for which not enough words! »

Men want to marry virgins.


«If it's just a date, then yes, you can. What if I have a girl far-reaching plans, then there really sorry. I'm out of the garbage and found the remnants do not intend to use»


«The girl may be any past, but you just have to marry a virgin! I must be the only man in the life of the mother of my children !!! IMHO»


«I think this is ideal when a girl marries for love virgin and lives happily.Now these and find»


«Sex on a first date or second date, or third date, still leaves the idea that the girl - the lightest behavior. Just sex after the wedding - a matter of respect, and the rest - it's [...]! »

Men want to be hunters.


«In fact, the goal is always immediately put to sleep, but most of all, personally for me, if you just slept-interest disappears It's like a fishing-interested in the process, if once a great option, tram-pam-pam-all the lads Unless once- wakes up the excitement, how is it that's what I did not immediately given, but I'll make conductive, it is necessary only to me to reach it, that gets all the ways»

Mark Zuckerberg

«So to speak - the first sign of this lady - once again not to give than to give a first indication of this gentleman - to take only the second proposal =) "


«Trite but true: we will quickly lose interest in what is given to us for free. No need to beg divnosti anticipation»


«I want to prove yourself first, I managed to get the girl. I wanted to and succeeded! I want to put into it time, money, effort and energy. I want to fluff up like a peacock's tail, and that she was lost in contemplation and realized - yes, here it is exactly what I need»

There are quite strange reason ...


«I will say this: now there is a trend toward free love (trend of Western culture). And this is a great weapon in the hands of our enemies to destroy our nation and country. Such behavior hurts our morale pohlesche nuclear weapons! That's how we all die out»


«I personally believe that this unbridled behavior, we impose pharmacologists. So we no longer apart of any infection were infected, and then went to the hospital and treated. I think that AIDS is not casual appeared - this is a disease that nature and does not come up. Brought out in the laboratories of seedlings, and now come up with the type of medication. Come up and will sell for a lot of money»

Vladimir Vladimirovich

«I can not sleep with a woman on a first date. For some reason I think I like humiliate parents (especially my mother). Although they at me like progressive and in personal life do not climb".


«This CIA corrupts us. That while we were fucking with the other sisters they would enslave us. And all the time the media write about sex. I'll tell you why it is done - to divert our attention from the social issues that are really important. We must resist - a dish yourself and you will be surprised how many will begin to notice around".PASS advice from PSYCHOLOGIST TEAMO.RU

Tags: date, interest