5 films for a guy as a gift

 Pick up a good gift for a man is not easy. Of course, this is much easier than for women. And there is a lot of options. One of them - the video movie.  

I am sure that you, or you ever gave a DVD movie. Right? What could be easier than to walk into any store and pick some fresh new movie. But in reality, this type of gift is one of the most difficult. And rightly so it is quite difficult to choose.

Judge for yourself. You go to the store, where there are hundreds of films. How will you choose at random? Maybe you can ask the consultant what new movies are now available?

But all this does not matter. Because the bulk of the films, both new and old can not stand nor any criticism. And this opinion on the matter is not only mine. So imagine what you have chances to find an interesting gift for a guy.

Yes, of course, when you give, you will smile and be grateful. But I doubt that the guy will get the pleasure of viewing, unless of course did not fall asleep.

In general, if you are really important to give a good gift, after which you will remember how insightful and interesting man, the film is the most difficult option. And before you give the film, think you will be able to choose something really worthy. However, things are not so bad.

Because I want to recommend to you a few films that will please any guy as a gift. I'm sure, as seen dozens guy get genuine pleasure from watching these movies and not against them replenish their collection. But before you know, we need to agree about something.

Firstly, choosing a gift, you do not choose it for themselves. The fact that people often choose gifts for others who would like to own. But it is clearly not worth it to do. Selfishness does not suit you.

Secondly, I have listed the films you may well not like it. I admit it. But remember that you do not choose a movie for yourself. Therefore, remove your negative away.

So, what kind of movies I want to recommend as a gift for a guy? Is This:

1. Payment (translation Goblin)

2. Snatch (translation Goblin)

3. Thursday (translation Goblin)

4. Fight Club

5. Leon (translated Goblin)

A man will appreciate any of them. And of course, he will appreciate your efforts to succeed.

You may be wondering why I recommend it to transfer movies Goblin. The fact that it perfectly conveys the whole atmosphere of the film, replicas and jokes. I did once compared the translations of the same film. And the difference is huge. Therefore, I strongly recommend you buy these movies only translation of the Goblin. That's all.

Author: Alex Ziza

Tags: quality movie gift