Horoscope for the month - July 2007

 July can be called month practical deeds and actions. Ardor and haste that haunted many people in the previous month, falling by the wayside, and the time will come slowly and leisurely exercise plan. Initiative should be exercised with caution, assessing in advance every step. This is a great time to do everything thoroughly and slowly - other methods fail.

In dialogue and contacts during July emotions may temporarily seize control of the mind. In the first half of the month should be more attention to trust their instincts and to seek answers to the questions in the "I", and only in the second half of July, the planets will be more successful for intellectual activity and communication. However, listen to your inner voice can be during the month - it will significantly increase the effectiveness of decisions.

In his personal life, many people relations between bright and beautiful courtship lasts until mid-month. At this time, try to strengthen their feelings, more fun, relax, enjoy each other's company. In the second half of the month rose-colored glasses as if blown away by the wind, and you look at their relationship at all with the other hand. Not exclude the appearance of claims to the partner, you will become critical not only to themselves but also to loved ones and want to analyze their feelings. The second half of July is perfectly suited for the analysis of their feelings and relationships from the standpoint of logic and reason.

Month will be successful enough for travel, especially its second half. If you are planning a trip in early July, then pay more attention to detail, this will help avoid the hassle and do not leave the house the necessary things on vacation.

Successful days July 1, 3, 8, 13, 21, 23, 29.
Adverse days of July 2, 6, 10, 16, 24.

Aries 21.03 - 20.04
Most active in typical representatives of your zodiac sign in the month of July will be observed in the financial sector. You will begin to actively make money, but not less active and spend them. Do not forget that reasonableness - the main benefactor of July, and therefore embezzlement plan in advance to make purchases, to avoid spontaneous and uncontrolled spending.

In the first half of July in personal relationships will be a flourishing, is dating, courtship and new acquaintances, but the second half of July will bring more critical of. Try in this period is not make excessive demands on the partner, and focus on self-development.

Successful days July 7, 8, 21.
Adverse days July 13, 14, 20, 25.

Taurus 21.04 - 20.05
You will become more active and assertive in their actions, perseverance will be good quality this month to promote their own initiatives and projects. Month is perfect for a measured exercise, and if you do not chase too quick results, but they will be visible very soon.
Stability in the family will add you pleasant moments. A typical representative of your zodiac sign will want to spend more time at home with his family. Use the first half of July, in order to strengthen relationships with family members and close relatives.

The second half of July is ideal for new acquaintances and the search for its second half. Your romantic mood and increased charm will allow you to achieve the desired goals.

Favorable days July 9, 10, 17, 27, 28.
Unsuccessful July days 1, 16, 23, 24.

Gemini 21.05 - 21.06
You should reduce its activity in the outside world and take care of your inner world. This is where you can find answers to many questions that will be put in front of you circumstances during July. Avoid intrigues and attempts to direct confrontation with the malevolent and secret enemies.
Financial success in July will largely depend on you and your reputation. If you are able to woo influential people, the cash flow can turn in your favor and bring a significant increase in revenues.

In the second half of July, enjoy a landscaping own home. Secure your comfort and convenience in native walls, buy upholstered furniture, carpets and other items to create comfort.

Favorable days July 11, 12, 20, 29.
Adverse days of July 5, 18, 26.

Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
Social activities or work can be a major focus of your efforts during this month. During this period, you will be able to find new friends and like-minded people, to strengthen relations with friends. Activity in the team will add you confidence in their abilities, will give an opportunity to demonstrate your leadership and organizational talent.

In the first half of July, do not miss the opportunity to stabilize its financial position due to increased revenues. Make a wise investment, not chasing a high interest rate. In the second half of the month you will have more to communicate and deal with financial issues will not have time, and already established base will work for you without your active participation, without taking up precious time.

Successful days July 5, 13, 14, 23.
Adverse July days 7, 21, 27, 28.

Leo 23.07 - 24.08
The greatest activity involves the planets in the professional sphere. July - the perfect time for an active desire to achieve these goals, efforts aimed at implementing their own dreams and career growth. The actions do not hurry up, the more thoroughly will your moves, the more you will be able to consolidate their success.

In the first half of July, take care of their appearance. This is a good time to change your hairstyle or style of dress. Your sense of beauty now the most important image and any changes will be positive.
The second half of the month can bring increased revenue. This period would be the best and to make purchases.

Successful days July 7, 16, 25.
Adverse days July 9, 23, 30, 31.

Virgo 24.08 - 23.09
The planets says the increased desire to travel and broaden their outlook. This month - a good time to leave, especially if you are planning to spend most of their free time active tourism and sports. July is also ideal for training, as enhanced by your own desire for knowledge and the increasing interest of educational process.

In the first half of the month should finish all the important things started earlier. When it comes to plans and projects, do not rush to the implementation - again all check and recheck. Would be more favorable second half of July - you become more calm and balanced, will increase the desire to rest. This is also a great time for beauty treatments and care about their appearance. You will notice that the representatives and the representatives of your zodiac sign, as you yourself have become to spend more time in front of a mirror.

Favorable days July 1, 9, 17, 18.
Adverse days of July 5, 11, 25.

Libra 24.09 - 23.10
In typical representatives of your zodiac sign is the month of July increased the possibility of injury. That's why you more than other signs, you should exercise restraint in affairs and avoid haste and bustle. Particular caution should be followed when working with mechanical devices and instruments.

Activated in July and your sexuality. Attraction to the opposite sex is greatly increased, and intimate relationships are improved by increasing the quality of the relationship.

In the first half of the month longer communicate with friends. Now you can count on their help and support. In the second half of July, the desire to communicate markedly reduced. You will want to spend more time alone with yourself or with your loved one.

Favorable days July 3, 11, 20, 21.
Adverse July days 7, 14, 28.

Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11
Manifestation of your activity will be most noticeable in relationships with others. First of all, it will affect personal and business relationships. You become more direct and open communication, but not always analyze what you say, and more than ever, capable of being rude. Try to restrain the expression of irritation and not to get involved in active debate. Better openly express their position, but did not participate in the discussion.

If you want to achieve something in your career, you can use this for the first half of the month, as the second of your friends, acquaintances and friends will greatly distract you, trying to get to his own frivolous activities. It should be noted that from the entertainment with friends in the second half of July will be almost impossible to refuse.

The most successful days in July 5, 13, 14, 23, 24.
The least successful days in July 3, 9, 16.

Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
The planets promises to representatives of your zodiac sign activity at work. Your ability to work would be increased, and you can achieve a lot. Avoid conflicts with colleagues, and all the energy to send it to perform its duties, not on squabbles and disputes. If you listen to the advice of the stars, in the second half of July will be able to count on career development and advancement.

You'll also be able to effectively work on their health. Especially great benefit to your health will bring sports.

Acquiring new knowledge and broaden their horizons will also become one of the priority themes of July. Engage in education or self-education. The acquired knowledge you will be able to put into practice in the second half of the month.

Successful days in July will be: 7, 16, 26.
The least successful days in July will be 5, 12, 18.

Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
Meet new people and the rapid development of romantic relationships promises a typical representative of your zodiacal sign of the July position of the planets. You set up romantically and prone to tying love relationships. July will be a month of dating, and you will become bolder and will actively search for your soul mate.

Capricorn parents should pay more attention to active games with your child. Joint physical activity also bring mutual benefits.

In the second half of the month, you can safely go on a journey. Especially you will attract many foreign tours, which will be an opportunity to see the world, learn about how people live in other countries, to broaden their horizons.

Favorable days July 9, 18, 27, 28.
Adverse July days 7, 13, 14, 21.

Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
Month of repair and improvement of their own homes expects representatives of your zodiac sign. Take more initiative, as it will come up to you all the ideas of this kind. This will help avoid conflicts with family and household. Board of stars is that it is better to direct energy to the case and make the most of the work yourself, than quarrels and conflicts with home.

The planets also encourages you to spend more time in the sun. This has a positive impact on your health. Abuse, of course, should not be, but even tan and good mood from sunbathing in July virtually guaranteed the stars.

The most favorable days July 2, 11, 21, 31.
The least successful days in July: 9, 16, 23.

Pisces 21.02 - 20.03
Typical representatives of your zodiac sign in July will notice a significant increase in displacement and short trips. This is a good time to talk, as you become straightforward and open. Now, more than ever, you are ready to defend their own position, to participate in the debate. It's easier to say "no" to his interlocutors. Assertiveness in communication will enable you to convince others of their own opinion, but avoid rudeness in communication.

Month can bring new love affairs and romantic dating. Can not be excluded a meeting with former lovers in the first half of July, but the second half of the month indicates the possibility of starting a new relationship.

Successful days July 4, 5, 14, 23.
Adverse days July 11, 12, 18, 25, 26.


Tags: horoscope, July