Fashion horoscope. July 2008

 Unlike conventional horoscopes all the pages of women's fashion magazine JustLady horoscope! Predictive not only life, but also wardrobe. Someone Star advise new dress, someone bag, and someone new shoes ...  

Aries. 21.03 - 20.04

The main theme for Aries in July - coziness and hassle associated with the repair or construction.

But that's not all. In the business world, you also goes some activity - namely, you will visit an idea that can lift your project to the next level.
And for great results on all fronts to make a gift - beautiful sandals.

Taurus. 21.04 - 21.05

Most in July Taurus concerned about finances. Chic and active vacation shopping make themselves known.

And you already know what to do to not have to worry again, and maybe go back in one trip and cause a further 5 suitcases dresses.

And in the near and shopping in buy a small and cute clutch, it is useful to you to meet your friends, where you talk about a recent vacation.

Twins. 22.05 - 21.06

Everything that happens with the Twins in July, subject to the same topic - increase income. Ideas come to you all the time, their implementation brings you pleasure, and by and large, that you are now interested in work-related.

Personal meetings and communication sidelined, and even e-mail old friend which week you do not have time to respond.

Shopping at you in this month will be a very episodic - there is no time for a long time to wander through the boutiques. But as soon as find the time - buy a stylish everyday dress.

Crayfish. 22.06 - 23.07

Someone said it's Cancers leisurely. But this summer they are very swift. Fast pace of life, many events - all eclipsed by your family, and your relatives are given to understand that the neglect of their frustrating.
So the best way out - buy the current summer dress and hat, and go with your family on vacation holiday.

Leo. 24.07 - 23.08

After a bit nervous at the beginning of the summer Leo starts streak of luck. All areas of your life are covered by these phenomena.

Do you want a new job - find, build relationships in his personal life - please have fun with friends - already filed.
And so in all.

Such a period of good luck is best used for large purchases. You are sure to find on shopping exactly what will suit you best.
The best choice - beautiful bag.

Virgo. 24.08 - 21.09

Do not deny yourself that fate offers you herself. There is an opportunity to take a vacation - take it, even if you will not go far in the country, received an invitation to dinner - go, even if you are going to live with a young man to invite you to the rest of your life, girlfriend call you in a movie - agree, even if you doubt that the film very good.

Just relax and do not try to find all over the rational.
And do not buy on shopping everyday thing, and a cocktail dress. Useful, and very soon.

Libra. 22.09 - 23.10

With Libra as usual. Important in this month for you - to decide immediately. Decide what you want to dedicate this month and not to retreat.
And friends and family will support you, whatever you choose.

For shopping will also be difficulty - some thing from two to choose from. Stars are advised to choose one that is brighter.

Scorpio. 24.10 - 22.11

Thank you very much nervous lately - you know why. You may be confused by the methods that you have to achieve the desired results. Is it worth torturing yourself? No. Although, if only because everything has already happened that way, and not otherwise.

Stars warn you - be careful behind the wheel, so to go shopping on foot.

Buy yourself something not very strict. For example blouse or tunic.

Sagittarius. 23.11 - 21.12

Noticed that more and more often lately you want to be alone with yourself, dig into myself to think about something.

Do not be put off by this, everything was okay. And if you now important to restore harmony inside, then so be it. Work on this is not going anywhere close will understand.

And if the internal comfort is all that is important to you now, create confidence and external comfort.

Best buy of the month - soft jeans and a T-shirt or blouse free.

Capricorn. 22.12 - 19.01

Capricorn has got the feeling that everything is changing very rapidly. What are you of these changes? How to respond? Will help you to understand a loved one.

The best response to changes around for you will be making some changes in your appearance.

Buy a new dress.

Aquarius. 20.01 - 19.02

You are fully absorbed by family affairs. Perhaps many of your decisions will be dictated precisely of it. Of two job offers you most likely choose something that offers a higher income rather than high post and lots of interesting trips.

Although there will be many hassles and at home. So you will need comfortable shoes.
And the best comfortable shoes - a ballerina.

Fish. 20.02 - 20.03

You - a workaholic. And this summer to show you what it really is.

All the time you spend at work or at home with a book. But more often - at work.

You did not see people. Friends are tired of your failures from meetings and call less often. Therefore, either still take the time to get out into the world, or begin to twist an affair with a colleague. Otherwise personal life will be held party.

And if you manage to find time for shopping, what advice would you have given no stars, you can still buy a big bag. Because now you need it.

Tags: July