Spicy harmony

 Outside the window a long time uncomfortable and cold, and it says that soon many of us will begin to complain of weight gain. What is the relationship? The most direct! In late autumn and winter we are increasingly attracted to the delicious dinner in the warm favorite home ... But what about those who should diligently follow the figure? The benefits of caloric and spices tells women's magazine JustLady!

This can be called a pantry tastes spices and herbs. They are full of vitamins and useful substances to the body, and they have virtually no calories. But can we get enough of some herbs? Or how can replace meat spices, sugar or potatoes?

History of taste

Indian doctors have for centuries used different combinations of spices to create special medicinal flavors. Any dish, according to Ayurveda should combine 6 flavors: spicy, salty, bitter, astringent, sweet and sour.

Indian chefs argue that learning to use spices with these flavors can be achieved excellent health and satiety, which will deprive us of the desire to snack or eat junk food for the figure.

Five favorites

In the event that you find it difficult to immediately determine a variety of selection of supermarkets presented spice note on the classic set of five favorites: turmeric, cumin, coriander, mustard seeds and Chile.

However, do not rush immediately to apply them in their dishes. First of all, you have to master the technique of roasting spices, otherwise you can ruin the taste and get too bitter and not edible dinner. Roasted spices in seconds, but only after they open their true flavors and tastes. Store no more than a year in the glass, airtight jars.

The required minimum

Consider the benefit of the five basic spices can transform a life pharmacy your every meal.

 Bitter turmeric Part of the curcumin prevents heart disease and the development of cancerous tumors, stimulates the brain and liver, reduces the possibility of the appearance of arthritis.

 Acute cumin Speeds up digestion and stimulates the pancreas. In Ayurveda using cumin treat diarrhea and flatulence.

 Astringent coriander Prevents the development of cancer and heart disease, accelerates the digestive processes, suspend the development of diabetes, normalizes cholesterol balance.

 Acute cayenne chili It consists of capsaicin - endowed boleuspokaivayuschim action. Cayenne pepper helps even with treatment of peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer. It also stimulates the digestive processes.

 Mustard seeds Treats diseases of the bowel (colitis), prevents cancer gastro - intestinal tract.

Author: Galina Vereshchagin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: slimness