7 arguments in favor of Shiatsu

 The human body - a unique creation of nature, so to the end has not yet been studied, it did not know, do not guess. Our body has everything to ensure its smooth operation, and in it lay the resources necessary for the timely recovery and reconstruction.

Well, for example, if the eye gets a foreign body, then immediately released tear fluid to immediately wash it out of the eye. As well - if the respiratory tract ingested food, it immediately triggers a coughing fit to push food out. I'm not talking about things such as fever, aimed at the physical destruction of viruses and infections or skin tissue recovery after injury, which is generally obvious and visible.

If everything is so, it means that the human body is able to independently deal with all health problems? Of course, capable of! However, if ... We lived in an ideal natural environment, comply with the correct mode and use your body carefully and wisely. However, our life is not perfect. Ecology, stress, overload and abundance of other "hazards" and all - self-healing system fails and needs to have outside help. And here it is important to understand that help aid strife.

Ideally, external assistance should be directed not to the fact that artificially fight arose ailments and other failures, and then to restart a self-healing mechanism in the human body. This way of returning to normal most ideologically loyal, most efficient and most reliable. It is this way and preaches shiatsu.

Shiatsu - An ancient technique, which originated in ancient times in Japan. Moreover, the credibility of shiatsu adds a high level of culture of the country and the fact that these traditions tested for centuries. Founder of Shiatsu Japanese doctor Tokujiro Namikoshi called his teaching and science, and art, and partly a miracle, paying tribute to the fact that healing occurs as if by itself.

And yet, we will not be satisfied with platitudes: "It's a great technique," "healing fantastic results", "How many people helping Shiatsu therapy." Let us formulate a more convincing to all the benefits of shiatsu in the form of specific arguments.

1. Shiatsu is based on instincts.
The basis of Shiatsu - empirical experience. Shiatsu literally stands as follows: shi - fingers ATsU - pressure. Man instinctively pushes to the place on the body where it is uncomfortable. Instinctively, ie without linking it to any Shiatsu or with some other knowledge. A result is relieved. Behave similarly and animals. When the animal licks intensively place of injury or wound, he language (instead of fingers, of which there has not) makes essentially the same massage, forcing blood to surge in the increasingly damaged area, increasing metabolism and mobilizing the body to fight. Imagine how many times more effective will be the impact if the instincts to add and knowledge.

2. Shiatsu manages energy person.
The human body is compared to the power receptacle. By the way, according to another version, Shiatsu translates as: Shea (Qi) - positive energy ATsU - squeezing in the sense of inclusion, putting into action. Life energy qi must circulate harmoniously over all the energy meridians, saturating an internal organs. Filled with the energy of organs are functioning normally, and where the energy is weakened or stagnates fails. Pressing on certain points, corresponding to different meridians, we harmonize energy Qi entire body. This principle is reflected in the folk wisdom. In the East, saying: "If Qi circulates properly, you - are healthy." Our people have a similar saying differently worded: "In a healthy body - healthy mind". It is logical that healing begins with the recovery of energy flows.

3. Shiatsu relates to methods of natural therapy.
Traditional medicine is developing rapidly. Everything becomes more sophisticated drugs. All the great miracles of Plastic Surgery. And yet, more and more often do doctors recommend natural therapies. After all, no matter how wonderful any artificial treatment, it removes only the consequences and does not guarantee the return of the disease. While natural way eradicates the cause of the disease, so that the body itself, the failed, he himself had returned to normal. A Shiatsu helps to ensure that a return to accelerate.

4. Shiatsu complex effect on the entire body.
Shiatsu allows to harmonize the entire human body as a whole, improves overall health, raises immunity. Shiatsu unlimited range of effects. This technique cures and mental disorders and physical ailments. Look at any popular literature indications shiatsu, it is recommended to all, without exception, Musculo-myshchnoy system, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and in such difficult diseases like food allergies, migraines, insomnia, depression.

5. Shiatsu is and prevention, and treatment.
The versatility of Shiatsu is that once mastered the technique of massage, you can protect yourself and when you are sick, and, last but not least, prophylactically. Shiatsu can be essentially morning exercises, a kind of compliance with the rules of hygiene. Just like you brush your teeth, wash your body and perform other cleaning procedures, you are using shiatsu can give the body the morning cheerfulness, and at night to remove stress and fatigue accumulated during the day. The best prevention you can imagine. Important only system.

6. Shiatsu is safe and has no age restrictions.
Referring to natural therapy, shiatsu does no harm. Even if you do something not quite accurate acupuncture (except, perhaps excessive zeal and outright mindless force of pressing), you will get less power assistance. Shiatsu has no side effects, does not cause allergies, has no contraindications. And infants and the elderly is useful to apply this massage. To paraphrase the poet, I say: "Shiatsu for all ages!" What could prevent, so it's laziness.

7. Shiatsu - always with you.
This argument can be left virtually without comment. All that you need to apply Shiatsu - it is your desire and your same fingers.

Do not hesitate for a long time over the choice in favor of Shiatsu. Bring The Action! And you're on your own experience (and this is more convincing than all that is written about the experience of someone else) feel the health, vitality, good mood. And it is - a straight road to happiness!

Author: Julia Detochkin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: benefits, gymnastics, argument

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