Oil oil

 Nutritionists say that each person daily diet should be at least one tablespoon of vegetable oil. But ideally it should be more than animal fat. Vegetable oils are rich in fatty acids and vitamin E.

But oil oil strife. To this invaluable product has not turned into a poison for your body, you need to know how to use it in the kitchen work.

Treated or untreated?

Many know a smell of rural sunflower oil. It smells of fried sunflower seeds and instantly makes you want to try. This oil is ideal for salads.

All crude oil percolates to remove solid impurities. They have a dark color, strong aroma and bright taste, characteristic of this type of oil. Usually, at the bottom of the bottle with the crude oil remains precipitate which contains phospholipids (phosphatides) - valuable biologically active compounds. Not worth it to pour. It is better to shake the bottle and eat together with the oil.

But if there is such a precipitate, and the color is lighter crude, the oil is likely to gidrotirovannoe. This oil is treated with water or steam to remove phosphatides. The oil released from the residues and proteins, and by mucous substances.

To obtain refined oil, which housewives often used for frying, it is treated with alkali. This removes a very valuable components - free acids. Therefore, it is not necessary to choose such oil for salads and other dishes.

Refined deodorized oils are exposed to strong steam under vacuum for extraction of odorous substances. As a result, the oil becomes almost transparent and devoid of any odors.

But do not think that crude oil - an ideal option. For example, cottonseed oil without treatment, you should not use, because it contains the strongest poison - gossypol. This poison can only be removed by heat treatment or refining. Probably, hence the ancient tradition - the preparation of pilaf cottonseed oil pre strongly calcined.

But calcined can and should only cottonseed oil. If you use the kitchen sunflower oil, then ignite it can not, because as a result of overheating are formed in it carcinogens.

Roast? Refrigerate?

Fatty acids - are organic compounds. In the body, they are present in the free state and in a state of neutral fat (a mono-, di-, and triglycerides), phospholipids and other lipids, which are the major structural component of cell membranes. Oxidation of fatty acids - the most important processes in the body, providing about half of the total energy.

Practically any culinary processing dramatically alters the composition of fats, such as in frying fat in the manufacture of cakes, french fries, French-Fries, chips and other things. At a temperature of 200-250 degrees occurs increasing the formation of carcinogenic substances that deplete the body's important for linolenic acid, phospholipids, vitamins, so to speak about the value and use of the product is no longer meaningful. Fat is inevitably absorbed in food - hamburger, potatoes, and so on. D. And passes carcinogens. This leads to chronic fatigue, lowered immunity, diseases of the large intestine and contributes to the development of cancer cells.

Of course, to avoid heating oil is impossible. For the same frying the soup we all use oil. But then it is better to choose corn, instead of sunflower. It is not as fast destroyed by heating. But olive oil is not worth heated. It instantly loses all useful properties and allocates carcinogens.

But if the house you can control perezharku oil, then how it comes to eating places, remains a great mystery.

But the cold light oil is useful. Experts advise to buy oil in a small container and be sure to store it in the refrigerator. Otherwise oil can deteriorate before you pour in the pan last drop out of the bottle, and it will be a danger to the health of free radicals. But this does not apply to olive oil which can be stored for a long time at room temperature. But, of course, it should not be exposed to direct rays of the sun.

Cholesterol spoon?

We have long scare cholesterol that clogs blood vessels and complicates the work of the heart. But cholesterol is present only in the fats of animal origin - in a butter and milk, meat, poultry and fish. If the manufacturer of vegetable oil on the label of their products: "The product does not contain cholesterol," then it could mean one of two things: either the usual incompetence, or disrespect to the consumer - say, sulfurs our people, uneducated and stupid. Incidentally, the same speculation happens with vitamin E, which is already contained in the vegetable oil.

Of course, you can not protect yourself from this enemy vessels, if you get a mysterious mix of oils without instructions on the label of ingredients. In any case, pay attention to the freshness, color and smell of oil. The main criterion - it should stimulate appetite.

Tags: oil