Water aerobics

Aqua aerobics - is, like the name implies, water aerobics. Classes are held in the pool, but be able to swim for it is not necessary. On the water, you will keep a special belt.

Load aqua aerobics you get by overcoming the resistance of water. At the same time, the weight of a person in the water is reduced and the reduced load on the spine. Thus such aerobics may be recommended for people with overweight or problems in the musculoskeletal system.

Particularly effective exercises in the pool to strengthen the abdominal muscles and back. Water aerobics is useful to everyone, in spite of the level of physical fitness. Training relieve stress, have a relaxing effect, as well as quenched and improve health.

The possibility of injury in an aqua-aerobics are minimized, so classes can attend even pregnant women and children.