Summer in shape!

 On the pages of women's magazine JustLady camye effective exercise for a summer weekend ENDA

Attention, blow!

Going with friends or loved ones to spend a hot summer weekend in nature? In addition to all sorts of goodies that are just waiting to be deposited at the waist and hips, sure to bring rackets for badminton with a frill. The game is not only burn calories obtained on a picnic, but also razomnёt your muscles, lift your spirits, adds excitement and save you from boredom.

This is effective because:

The game of badminton strengthens muscles of the arms, shoulders, back and legs, activates the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In addition, badminton perfectly develops coordination, reaction and agility. For an hour the game is easier to say goodbye to 500 calories! To do this, whether active: supply with power and do not be lazy to run on the court improvised in pursuit of a frill.

You will need:

Set of two rackets and a few spare birdies. And do not forget about the comfortable sports clothing: shoes, T-shirt, shorts or a skirt.


You are accustomed to meet with friends in the cozy bar or restaurant, seizing burning details of personal lives steak and chips? In the garden and immediately! No garden? Come up and park, and even a street where pedestrians are not too many - among them more difficult to maneuver, and the conversation is lost.

However, we can join hands and let them bypass you, because you - almost trankport speed and can develop up to 50 km / h - quite rollers permit. Just for starters try to ride on a flat surface and slopes, especially steep, best avoided.

This is effective because:

While riding a roller improves the function of the cardiovascular system, lungs, get a load muscles of the legs, buttocks, abs and back, which is especially good for those who want to remove the excess in these areas. In addition, roller skating well coached coordination and endurance.

If you prefer a slow and measured ride on rollers, you can safely expect that in just an hour of your workout, walk-meeting with a girlfriend "leave" 400 kcal (each!) If you want to get rid of a greater number of the hated calories by opting for fast driving - it burns up to 900 calories per hour! And if you add to this more than a dozen missed dinner at a restaurant, then to release itself will not know!

You will need:

Naturally, the rollers themselves, as well as protection - knee pads, elbow pads and gloves. Experienced skaters are advised to buy rollers only if hiking in them a few minutes, you will feel that you are completely comfortable in.

Water element

Going to the beach? A wonderful idea: will combine business with pleasure. No, now it's not about meeting new people, and that you need to relax ... active. Fifteen minutes felting should be replaced by a half-hour water procedures. As the latter recommend swimming: on the back and abdomen, crawl, breaststroke, with fins and without - it's all very good for the figure and, by the way, Sun too. As is known, on wet skin he goes much faster. Week of the beach regime - and the result is obvious: the envious glances of the fairer sex and admiring strong.

This is effective because:

Hour of swimming burns up to 420 calories! And if you want to not only get rid of excess pounds, but also to tighten muscles, choose the "right" style of swimming. For example, develop leg muscles easiest, swimming fins for 20-30 minutes for swimming.

 If you want more "load" your back, abs and thighs, take the hands of the board. Swimming crawl trains the muscles of the back, shoulders, hips, as well as triceps. Brass stimulates the breast, back muscles, the muscles of the legs and the press. Backstroke "works" almost as much as the front crawl, but reduces the load on the spine, so it is a kind of "swim" is recommended for back pain.

You will need:

Of course, fashionable swimsuit. And if you want diversity, purchase more and goggles for swimming underwater, fins, as well as a camera for underwater shooting - on arrival from the sea surprised everyone not only superfiguroy, but also exclusive photos!

Twist pedal

By good quickly get used to: the car becomes the second "I", because you do not rasstaёshsya it almost never for a moment - you go to her and to work and to a business meeting, and shopping, and friends - you're always together.

And the whole of Europe, by the way, has long been moved to the bikes, making their transport №1: firstly, the savings on gasoline and car repairs, and secondly, the environment remains intact, and thirdly, no complaints back pain, and blurred cellulite thighs.

However, you can ride a bike, not only for practical reasons: how much fun will bring a small tour of the city at a low speed, not to mention the long-distance travel with a crazy overclocking!

This is effective because:

Cycling improves the functioning of the lungs, cardiovascular system, trains the vestibular system and the coordination of movements. In addition, ophthalmologists noted that during the cycling we mainly look into the distance, and it is an excellent method of preventing myopia. And an hour skating Cycle can effortlessly get rid of 330 calories. And if you make it difficult "problem" riding up steep hills, all 500 kcal "melt" in the eyes.

Kebe will need:

Proper bike - for example, for the usual trips suitable easiest. The main thing that stood over him, the distance between the groin and upper frame was not less than 12cm - such are the demands of ergonomics. If you're going to dissect the mountain ranges, to give preference to the bike-downhill, which is reinforced frame and wheels - greater than the average.

Game ball

However, swimming - that's not all. On the beach you can make a real championship in volleyball, well, or at least a simple friendly match. He, by the way, is not just a spectacular game, but also a very effective tool in the fight against overweight and ... bad mood. After mastering the skills supply, pass, attack and block, you probably zabesh than a dozen heads!

This is effective because:

Volleyball uses a lot of muscles - the shoulder girdle, legs, back, and of course, the hands. And if you want it to pump them, volleyball is a good choice. He also develops a great response, agility and endurance. In addition, just over an hour playing you "kill" 400 kcal, which is a full workout at the fitness club.

You will need:

Leather volleyball, knee pads and a grid (but not necessarily the last to buy - now many equipped beaches).

Step by step

You have a child had an awkward relationship with the bike? This is not an argument in favor of the machine - this is an argument in favor of walking! Activities include hiking as you can in parks or squares, and right in the center of the city, making, for example, shopping. But that's not all: doctors advise sometimes return home from work on foot. Of course, without fanaticism, and only those who have a sedentary job.

This is effective because:

Xodba forces to work 400 muscles in our body from all the 639! Gets its muscles calves, thighs, buttocks, back, press and even shoulders, arms and neck! In addition, walking is considered a great cardio: it stimulates the heart, increases metabolism and trains the overall endurance. Besides hour walk 175 kcal consumed. In this case, all the muscles involved in walking, come in tone, becomes taut and may even slightly "paged".

You will need:

Comfortable shoes. Give preference or sneakers moccasins: they do not get tired legs and will not be adverse to the center of gravity of the spine (which occurs when wearing shoes with heels). And if you work on a strict dress code and you desperately need to be in the shoes on high heels, just take them with you.

Ekaterina Alexeeva

Tags: summer