Pregnant? March on sports!

 It's no secret that obesity epidemic around the world - already entrenched diagnosis. Fats come. And the right to stepping on anyone anyhow, but that overweight pregnant - is absolutely wrong and even dangerous at all! And so - all on fitness!  

According to experts around the world, with obese women of childbearing age should be fought by all fitness facilities, because the chances of healthy offspring in young ladies with increased weight in proportion to the decrease in fat mass. According to various sources, has recently become more overweight women to have their first pregnancy (whereas before the ladies' gaining too much "just after birth). And their number is growing alarmingly, if the trend continues, unnecessarily "extensive" pregnant women by the year 2010 will be of the order of 20-25%.

That means that after some three years nearly a quarter of expectant mothers will have a serious reason to worry about their health (in obese women are more often abortions, complications develop preeclampsia, they are more likely to suffer from the formation of dangerous blood clots in the blood vessels, they are more likely to make a cesarean section, not to mention 35% of maternal deaths due to obesity) and the health of the unborn baby (perinatal injury, the risk of death in the first 24 hours).

It is understood that to avoid the above described problems there is a solution. And the name of that decision - fitness, of course. Physicians are advised to deal with them well before pregnancy - even at the stage of family planning. But if it is, for any reason, it is impossible or inappropriate, you just happy 9 months of gestation should be crystal clear - NO YES bad habits and special fitness classes for pregnant women. Otherwise vouch for the wealthy will take generations not even the highest masters of their craft, according to doctors.

Author: Femina Linden

Tags: pregnancy, sports, march