Formally sports

 Summer joy behind us and ahead of us expect rainy autumn with the struggle for the reconstruction of forms. Going to a fitness center, do not forget the basic rules of sports etiquette!

Quiet! There is a workout!

Turn off your mobile phone! This is the number one rule for every self-respecting Just Lady.
Remember that if you train next to the headphones, then, want to escape from the surrounding sounds. And because disturb conversations and questions surrounding once again not worth it.

Gym is not the place for a meal

In that case if you did not have time to dine, either patient, or to postpone a visit to the gym: mineral water on the background of simulators is acceptable, but the sandwiches or cooked a work lunch will be obvious brute force!

And talk about?

Even having a perfect information about rocking the press, do not rush to impose his experience around! Tips here gives coach. A phrase in the likeness "This is not so! "Or" I advise you not to engage in this simulator "are acceptable only if the person threatens injury.

It always helps the flavors?

Forget about perfumes before workouts. Too sharp smell may prevent your neigbours and not give to spend a full workout. Neutral deodorant best friend of those who strive for results and think about others.

Tact is above all

Seeing a young lady with excellent figure, do not throw it with questions what exercises she reached such results. Get into the conversation and make subtle compliment to wait, whether she wants to share the secrets of their success.

Sports - not a place for singles

Shooting eyes and hunting for males, tons of makeup and jewelry are appropriate ringing in restaurants and nightclubs ... In the gym come for other purposes!

You're not the one ...

The adjacent simulators are not a place for relaxation or stand for cosmetics, mineral water bottles or bags. Occupy simulator "for a long time and seriously" considered bad form, it is better to focus on the exercises.

Do not drive!

In the event that your favorite trainer more than an hour and busy in the next few hours to release him do not intend, and do not stop do not sigh. The ideal way out of this situation will offer to engage in turn.

Galina Vereshchagin

Tags: sports, formality