Five Points Fitness

 Personal trainer Halle Berry and Eva Herzigova tells how to find form, not applying to this almost no effort. Heed the advice of a personal trainer stars.

Personal trainer with the name Harley Pasternak's Nobel addicted Halley and Eve to employment shaping, just released in the US book "The Five Points of fitness", which states: to throw five kilograms in two months, you need only follow a few simple tips.

5 meals a day

Metabolism will improve dramatically and you will lose weight gradually and naturally, if there is a small balanced meals five times a day. In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, to develop the habit of lunch and afternoon tea. Choose foods rich in fiber, lean meats and drinks - no sugar.

5 workouts a week

It just sounds like a convict alarm: actually classes will take only half an hour a day. "When I started coaching Halle Berry, then cut her daily workout time to one and a half hours and twenty-five minutes. Classes became shorter, but more intense, "- says Pasternak.

Just as in the case of food, small but regular load more useless than a method of "once and many." Training will not burden you: muscles will not get sick and develop harmoniously. In addition, daily exercise keeps you constantly on our toes. Another famous namesake Hollywood trainer wrote: if you want to achieve the maximum effect, do not stop halfway!

5 minutes to do each exercise

First five minutes of exercise for the heart muscle: running or exercise bike. Then ten minutes of strength training. Start with a swing biceps and push-ups. Then - squats with weights, two sets of 25 times. Every week add one approach, but reduces the number of repeats - until you get to five sets of eight times. In the end - five minutes of exercise at a press and five minutes of running.

5 times in the six months to arrange fasting day

One day a month eat, for example, only grain, salt and sugar exclude drink and about 2 liters of water. Sport in this day engaged in longer - about forty minutes, but less intense than usual. Do not eat two hours before and two hours after the workout. Thus the body is cleansed of toxins, then bring to the excess water and harmful substances.

Tags: fitness