An integrated approach to fitness

 We all souls do not own tea in fitness club - it's hard to hide. Here we dish yourself, spend time in a wonderful conversation, we get the desired proportion of adrenaline and attention. But there is another facet of the usefulness of a fitness club, which we did not immediately guess: because our sports center - a guide to the study of psychological complexes. And - a great reason to get rid of their own tunnel vision, looking at ourselves.

Marked on the plan with the letter M

IT: His Chest Press incomparable. Any slows down near the simulator to the press, if there - he said. Every third - hello with a smile. Every second - with a slight sadness. And every first turns on the entrance to the gym, if there is opening new. It will have to undergo the rite of treatment. It may seem at first glance it is not handsome and eligible bachelor. But after some time, she finds that she casually handed him a towel, or offering its mineral water. For this she will get back ... only his matchless Chest Press. And joining the club of "ex-wives."
Complex: Don Juan
Contrary to the usual myths to be in bed with each first lady Don Juan does not need. His specialty - the eternal seduction and verification, "I did not lose shape". It happens all at the level of automaticity - and not a good life. Key action complex Don Juan - the loss of skills of seduction, with which owns the studio, in a moment of contact with the really important woman (conditionally - Donna Anna). This seductive impotence - a little pleasant, and therefore fills a gap confidence conveyor supply small containers of Beatitudes, and not always sexual persuasion. He's just important to take - and more, more ... Stendhal wrote: "Don Juan rejects all responsibilities, connecting with other people. On the great market of life is unscrupulous buyers who always takes and never pays ". In general, you understand: a bottle of mineral water will not come back to us, and lodged Towelie not zachtutsya. He waits for her Donna Anna.

IT: A feeling that he goes to the fitness center just for you and your success. Interestingly, he makes at least a couple of approaches? Does not leave a strong feeling that he is here - only compliments for your media and your endurance. First unhealthy ahs called childish suspicions. Then, when a maniac no signs of manic caused misunderstanding. Then you've almost got used to his own divine essence, but of poor Werther and forgot to think ...
Complex: Werther
Only you in training in fitness club lived typical's "Werther" love affair: cute boys (not growing up, it seems, never) - read a lot, who saw little of his father as a child, able to appreciate the elegant plastic - and fall in love only. Fall in love they do not know too divorced from the lives of their vozdyhatelsvto, it is too exalted and romantic, too much motherly they see in each one of us. Sexuality is physicality - doomed to unrequited feelings. When a woman waiting for a touch, "Werther" excited by the situation, nature, candles. Well, what can you do: only on the head pat and boldly pressed to his chest - it's not even awaken a young Werther forties erotic thoughts.

IT:From you and has not had time to move a step instructor, as in its place grew broad-athlete. He came to show off? Not at all. "Squeeze through! Knee switch off! Breathe right! Keep your back! "- Intonation otchityvayusche-indulgent. You're in the club almost rookie, he - almost old-timer. Pray to God to not shake the simulator in the neighborhood - or a personal trainer for the coming months is provided to you. And at first you even poraduesh practical advice and flawless not interested in you as a woman. And then you will read in his eyes and the pride of "Being would you continue ugly duckling, if not for me" - and inadvertently remember my mother's fiery speeches ...
Complex: Patron
It's not about your mistakes in the gym. He just does not know how else to build relationships with people. Being intimate with someone means to him - to be useful. But, alas, be useful tactfully he does not know - but as it is organic indulgence. But the organic this - as usual, not natural. She needed him like air to confirm the authority - and thus make you feel uncomfortable if your heart is not overwhelmed with gratitude. After this enforced gratitude is due to deliberate that patronizing and gives control over a person, and is the guarantor of your getting close. And viva - "well-wisher" is not alone, and yet loneliness - this is something with authoritarianism and runs our "notorious" hero. More than anything, he is afraid that people without it they can, because he is building an ephemeral space for allegedly not being able to without people. Of course, you are bored itchy ear relationship, but maybe they do not need to push away - it just passive existence side by side will help to minimize the zeal of the hero, not to mention the possible benefits of elementary protection. 

Marked on the plan with the letter F

IT: Her first question in the club: "Anything expected new? I heard straight from the tin instructor? ". Only then she greets. It was from her, you will learn what is written on the bulletin board: it is even convenient, because most do not necessarily read, and to brief you can always count. She is terribly upset when suddenly on a bulletin board for a week, nothing changes. But terribly happy for a little familiar neighbor in the locker if that novel or a trip afoot. And after a report on the news of the club in her words always - "... and that's when I will cast two pounds, then ...".
Complex: Cinderella (Assol, Alice in Wonderland)
Her real world - grubby and mired in the ash. She seems so. Her real life - in front, rainbow and shiny. She seems so. Here are just around the bend occurs that radically reinterpret all this her dull reality. Certainly will be universal happiness and jubilation. So it seems. But here - a new twist. And everything remains as it was. New instructor - fiction ("all the same"), a new coat - does not solve the problems on the personal front, a new image - has been, is, at school, and she had forgotten ... These young ladies are waiting for a miracle to happen on its own, without their active participation. And the main occupation becomes expectation. The world was gray - the color will be. Was the usual - will be unusual. To be honest, we are with you and themselves often fall into a state Assol - because of our sophistication, we are not prepared to put up with what little we have, our world should be much more beautiful and bright. Yeah, not so easy to accept that "ordinary life" - this is not a sentence, but it is the miracle that and wait for something is not necessary, it is already there, you just have to learn how to use it and no wonder: there is something to be around the corner ...

IT: "She took off her jacket thrown over strongly," - it's just about it. Cutting in judgments and movements (s envy simulators - it seems that it works clearer them). Independent and alone ("I'm a strong woman - not every man is willing to live with the person, rather than a washing machine"). Accuracy achieve goals plunges you into a trance: she was going to lose 2 pounds in a month - and please. Mobile revived more often than your total loving friend. On some calls she frowns slightly removes tube politely promised to call back - and a moment later: "Honey, I'm sorry that I separate, but your feeble Paul again failed to cope with the budget plan - I find it easier to do everything itself, you do not mind? ".
Complex: Diana (Amazon)
The truth is, of course, men are pretty hopeless creatures that they appreciate. Sometimes the position of "man - speaking sperm, only during ovulation" seems not so crazy. Still, this approach is often not very healthy: neglect of manhood, in addition to reproductive, arises from the education of male attention bypassed mother or personal failures in communication "with the wrong" men. It becomes a pathology: a man ceases to be perceived by her as a person - maybe just in this case with the "quarrelsome" partners: they simply want to be with her people, not machine stamping kids.

IT: At forty she was accustomed to the playful shouts from the back: "Girl, and tell me how to pump up the triceps? ". She will tell - fitness center for it has long been a second home, where she fully fledged mistress of the situation. Not only did she tell me - she even hold a mini-training, during which fascinate and captured. Young man enthusiastically sigh: "Good! But more and more experienced and wiser ... ". Sigh loudly - she needs to hear it.
Complex: fear of closed doors
Grandmother on a bench at the entrance to her passion for fitness is considered almost absolute proof of easy virtue: otherwise why would a lady with two children and a loving husband to be beautiful? But it is necessary, as the air: its age is characterized by an increasing fear that in this life for something you can not catch. Subconsciously, regaining harmony, female attraction, a woman tends to return, and a bit of time - for love, for emotion, for life. It provokes a man's attention, so trying to prove to herself that the countdown has not started yet. She is beautiful in its ability to find language with young people, be aware of the latest trends in contemporary culture. But this beauty masks a lack of confidence as a mature man. And fear. Permanent. So to live - very difficult. But will anyone believe that the fullness of life age does not matter, and 40 years - not a disease?

IT: At the door of the club you're faced with a proud-pregordoy lady, whose winning half-smile you'll understand when find yourself inside. Here discord and anxiety: she not only refused the best personal coach of the club, but also angry cavil at it wrote. But he only did that on which she insisted - to reduce the load. He has long disagreed, but when she had completely exhausted, gave the nod - and eventually to "earn" a scolding. No wonder. Exactly the same way it goes with anyone.
Complex: Cleopatra
Once touching the proud little girl-boy threw a very messy. It is for him and wore slippers, and my mother scolded, and scratched her friends, and he ... It will not happen again. And so surely not to step on the same rake, why most do not become the same rake? Rakes are, incidentally, are named Cleopatra - are complex too big, unrealistic and unreasonable demands almost malicious punishment for non-compliance. Well, we still remember how Cleopatra entertained in his spare time ... A typical algorithm of the complex: bring, to bind, to raise the tariff for communication, wait for payments - and declare bankruptcy project (adieu, thanks for contribution). Humane than the death penalty, but it is unproductive, if you do not want to stay alone.

Indicated on the plan letters M and M

THEY ARE: They are extremely successful. Training course gives a brilliant effect. Coach in high spirits: it seems his novices - the future stars of the club competing in all-round fitness. Just two months - and already such reliefs. Whether there will be six months. But here's the paradox - six months later, nothing has changed. What happens? Why exercise lost effectiveness? Why suddenly disappeared dynamics? As a coach, a professional, he sees that the physical resources are not exhausted by the use of one hundred percent. What is happening?
Complex: Polycrates or ions.
If our beloved coach professional often read psychological literature, he would immediately recognize the complex, which is expressed in the emergence of anxiety, which increases as people have been increasingly vital tops. This fear of losing the "stolen". This fear does not rise to the self installed trims. And the fear that the achievement of the final will be top, after which will not be able to achieve something else more. Fear of such an absolute success of our forces the character to reduce the level of claims. So "budding" athletes, actors, businessmen do not become "meet the expectations of" stars. This is one of the most difficult to overcome complexes - just try to convince yourself that there is nothing wrong in the fact that the present situation - the peak of opportunities, and more will only get worse.

THEY ARE: The soul of the company. Jokes, stories, the ability to support any subject. Favorite saying: "Do not let the cop to be born! "An ardent organizer of all events vnutriklubnye-celebrations. Fantastic player in all sorts of "Mafia" and other "Show no sound of the word" synchrotron ". Well, that covers public attention is always spanned by our character that does not to the ears - so it is the cost of production.
Complex: Buffoon
It would seem that what is there is depressing and frightening. On the contrary, it is necessary to use the talents. Well, if a person suddenly be too "many" - so there is change in the context of the universe. Indeed trifle. Because the most important tricks of the complex is that all desire to entertain and be the center of attention in the development process is almost a mania, based on the regular flow of emotions surrounding people. And then - already perfect horror and nightmare because the person begins to depend on others: his confidence and purpose in life now depend entirely on cheering smiles. That is so unpretentious - from anecdote to anecdote - a man loses himself. Losing the essence, the core. Such are the dangerous jokes, rhymes ...

THEY ARE: Modest suit (knees can even be extended - the squeak). And then, maybe, and glasses not much expensive frame. And then, one never knows, and falls out of the gym bag tolmudy Feuerbach. Modest "Forgive generously! "And" Nemaloveroyatno that this is my fault, "right and left. Some apologetic gait and slightly self-deprecating minute procrastination since the first approach. A sort of ironic look at ourselves (caught in the mirror wall) and ... can not be! Alien? Biorobot? In our fevered minds simply can not understand how this specific mountain-hero squeezes from the chest 100% of its weight. Froze in amazement? Jaw forgot to pick up off the floor? Good For You. Only that you fully energize another set.
Complex: Excellence
Carrier superiority complex is convinced in its perfection, which is why he is willing to dress badly or portray antisocial creature, for example. It lives something of a series of "They all vertices were small and soft most stale bread" - that is, not in life routine adequate field, corresponding to the scale of its existence. A variety of activities because it does not matter - it just makes that must ("Someone should clean the toilets"). The only problem is that really such a position - a reason to avoid the need to respond to given a chance. Attributing special features of, the output of which still will not, or who are doomed to underestimation of "ordinary people" - just an excuse omission when the desired action, and not thinking about the imperfections of life.

Of course, not all the characters of our fitness club, we have presented here, deliberately omitting the most favorite (for all friends) complexes of inferiority, guilt, sacrifice, "and how many inches you? "And others. These heroes you yourself can easily find in the gym. We just wanted to note that people with complex may look brilliant and happy - and you do not even think about what deep down he has something burning, and tingling, and faint in anticipation of help.

Tags: approach