Work on the fashion mistakes: correct the mistakes of style

 Without a doubt, you are insured from the obvious blunders in the preparation of the ensemble (mesh tights with sandals? Never in my life!). However, even the most refined ladies sometimes at risk to make a "stylistic mistake." Here are some of the most common pitfalls to watch out for. A description of each of them accompanied by solutions.  

1. Unconditional trust fashionable media

With perseverance religious fanatic you methodically buy up all the glossy magazines, do not miss a single ceremony broadcast and social events, from cover to cover read through all the papers and regularly consult with experts on the Internet. Where is the mistake?

Unconditional trust the media in such a sensitive issue as the compilation of the wardrobe, with serious consequences - eventually you run the risk of becoming a victim of fashion.

Remember, most of glossy magazines and television programs devoted to fashion certainly make you want to enter the circle of wonderful people that fill the pages of magazines and catwalks. You feel like you need to do is buy all the beautiful (and expensive) clothing worn by these wonderful people.

The problem is that a) seen in magazines clothes you can not afford it and b) it will never make you look like a super model or movie star.

 Solution: look for other ways of cultivation style

2. Buying clothes is not your size.

You should be aware that should NEVER buy too small and tight clothes, for which you are willing to go on a diet. So, this rule remains in force even when it comes to dress by Pucci for $ 10, you accidentally discovered at auction eBay.

But did you know that the minor details like the length of the sleeves of a jacket or trouser leg length you can turn a lady with impeccable style or scared?

Want to wear sat perfectly? Ask for help to the tailor.

 Solution: how to actually have to sit on your clothes

3. Promiscuous wardrobe created by the chaotic shopping

Buying completely unnecessary, but nice things on sale, perhaps not meaningless. In the end, irresistibly attractive discount store accustomed us to the idea that minor costs for the purchase of junk not ruin us, and certainly not harm our wardrobe.

In fact, it is the little things clutter closets and turn our wardrobe in the dustbin of clothes we do not wear. Chaotic shopping usually leads to the fact that you have accumulated tons of clothes and nothing to wear. However, the habit is never too late to change.

 Solution: buy clothes that will wear.

4. Fixation on one style.

Commitment to the classics - a universal recipe for fashionistas has been for many years, and for those who lead a busy life and a tight budget, it's a sure way to properly dispose of the money.

The problem is that with age, so we often get used to the selected one style that can not part with it, and wear old clothes (or replenish wardrobe every season - but this clothing).

Sometimes, to look stunning, you need only a little change or accessorize your favorite basic clothing.

 Solution: how to modernize your style

5. The wrong underwear.

For the triumphal march of the red carpet celebrity cram his body in close tights, push-up bras and even disdain to use duct tape to their appearance in the mind-blowing design outfits caused a sensation.

Just think how can transform us mere mortals, properly fitted bra or pantyhose with supporting and tightening effect.

Besides the well-known wall, which does not seem to influence of gravity, and slimming tights, there are many other tricks that help hide imperfections and to emphasize curves.

Tags: error, style, rendering