Who is Kate Gordon

Who is Kate Gordon
 Ekaterina Gordon - known in our country, writer, journalist, TV and radio. Since 2009 is the organizer and the undisputed leader of the pop-rock band BlondRock. She is the author herself and the music and words. Katya Gordon has been actively engaged in social activities, calling on all to fight for the environment. Catherine also organized movement "Waste rock" that promotes the fashion of outbred animals.

Katya was born in Moscow in 1980, so many rumors about her advanced age does not correspond to reality. At age 20 she married a famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon took his name. They lived 5 years and then divorced. Kate decided to leave her husband's name to be recognized. In recent years, it has achieved a lot in life, and on the radio, and on television.

In 2002, Kate Gordon successfully graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow State Pedagogical University), specializing in "social psychology". Being energetic and purposeful person, she immediately goes to the Higher Courses of script writers and directors in the workshop of Peter Todorovski. It is noteworthy that her thesis "Braving" hudsovet VKSiR forbidden to be shown at festivals "moral and ethical reasons", but in spite of this in 2005 at the international festival "New kino.21 Age" film won the Grand Prix.

Katya quite original personality. In 2008, she received notoriety after an interview with Ksenia Sobchak, which went live on the radio station "Mayak". In this interview, there was a conflict between the radio presenter and socialite who was the cause of her dismissal from the radio station. In 2010, Kate Gordon released their debut album Blondrock titled "Love and Freedom". The music and words is itself Katya Gordon.

Katya actively on the Internet your blog LiveJournal and has an official website - www. katyagordon.ru. Constantly use social networks "Vkontakte" and "Twitter". Not to be confused with his mother Kate Gordon English poet Lord Byron, as it was also called Catherine Gordon. On the Internet there are many conflicting opinions on this controversial journalist who is just beginning his directing career, but because of the fact they are public people to discuss them.

Tags: artist, Gordon, blondrock