Biography star: Arthur Smoljaninov

Biography star: Arthur Smoljaninov
 His filmography is already more than 35 movies. And this despite the fact that he's only 28 years old. For their fans Arthur Smoljaninov - sample of a real man and a talented actor in one person.

Born Arthur Smoljaninov October 27, 1983 in a family of Moscow artist. Childhood and youth of the future stars in his own words, was very stormy and difficult. Hooliganism, ugliness, drives to the police. However, these memories help him get used very realistic as ordinary boys.

Despite the complex, Arthur always had a very warm relationship with his mother. But his father did not happen. Last left the family when the boy was very young.

In 14 years, Arthur Smoljaninov first gets to audition. And in 1998, has acted in the movie "Who if not us." For his role in this movie film aspiring actor got his first award - the title of "Best Actor teenage" at the VIII International Children's Film Festival. And since then, "Who if not us" is considered a trip to the profession for the young actor.

Now that Arthur's life there is a new meaning. In order to quickly become a certified specialist in the field of cinema, he finishes school externally - in 16 years. And immediately enters the acting department RATI. By the time of graduating from high school in Smolyaninova in the bank has dozens of works in film and television.

It is best to work out the role of a young man, where to open the inner world of sophisticated people. That is why the crowd of fans Arthur increased significantly after the series "Invisible Sign", which raised the problem of modern youth: addiction, sectarianism and others.

Then there were "Chic", "Daddy," "Mars". And after them Arthur gets to audition F.Bondarchuka movie "9 rota". In this tape, he created a vivid and unforgettable image of Grim. In which he, with his usual realism could open the way mental attitude changed a young man stranded on a merciless war.

With regard to personal preferences, the actor admits that he loves music and literature. "Music - the mood" - with this motto in life is Smoljaninov. So he likes all kinds of music. The main thing is to match his mood at some point in life. As for literature, Arthur prefers classics - and the modern world.

And fans say that despite his relatively young age, and an impressive filmography, actor completely absent star fever. And that qualities such as sincerity and openness they especially appreciate it.

Tags: star, actor, biography, awards, filmography, Arthur, Smoljaninov