Attention! Hand

 If you read this, it would be natural to assume that you spend at the computer for at least a few hours a day. And if most of that time you have to print or perform the manipulation of the mouse - most likely you are familiar with pain in the hands, fingers and wrists.

The doctor's office, if the discomfort still will bring you to the clinic, you are likely to come out with a new diagnosis"Tunnel syndrome" (Also known as carpal tunnel syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome).

How is carpal tunnel syndrome and what we feel about it

It is caused by compression of the nerve of the hand (median nerve), which takes place in special channels formed by bones and ligaments. Naturally, while squeezing the nerve, we feel the pain that can be felt in the joints of the hands, but not only there.

First, there is a weak dull pain, numbness or discomfort in the joints of the hands after a few hours. If you interrupt your work and just stretch my hands, the pain disappears for half an hour - hour. Unchanging hand position, coupled with intensive work leads to stagnation of blood, which causes at this stage only discomfort.

Exercises to prevent tunnel syndrome

These exercises can / should prodelyvat every few hours, and each of them is worth repeating over and over again, with a dozen or two.

1. Tightly with your fingers into a fist and unclench (also with force). Then squeeze the hand into a fist and rotate in opposite directions.

2. Pressing his palms together, dilute elbows to the sides, taking the position like a prayer. Forearm in this position are parallel to the floor. Then, try to lower the palm as low as possible, without opening them and leaving your elbows still high. It is likely that will be felt pain in your hands, in your hands, or even phalanges, if the disease has already discussed before you get there. Important not to dismiss hands away from him.

3. If you have a special soft ball (such as frequent hand out free gifts at different gatherings and presentations) for hands, poszhimayte it turns all the fingers, palm and between the hands.

4. Show that you all will be OK, and squeeze your fingers stronger - you should feel resistance. With the index finger, go to the middle, ring and little finger.

5. Straighten your arms over your head, rest in the palm of his hand, or twist your fingers together and rotate the brushes

Tags: nerve