Stone Age diet

 This diet is undermining the foundations upon which all modern dietetics, namely the position that calories must be considered. Stone Age diet is based on the contention that the deprivation of calories the body does not necessarily lead to permanent weight loss.  

To comply with this diet should eat more natural foods and less fat and sugar. Many manufacturers of finished products claim that their products contain all the essential nutrients, but still not worth it unreservedly believe it. Processed foods should be avoided because all the natural vitamins and minerals in them may be lost. Sometimes manufacturers add synthetic vitamins and minerals in their products, but this is not the same thing!

Stone Age diet eliminates sugar in its pure form, vegetable fats and simple carbohydrates contained in foods such as white bread, breakfast cereals and ready. The diet is based on the consumption of large amounts of fiber. Recommended untreated fruits, vegetables, grains, green vegetables, legumes, herbs and roots. Power is designed so that you gradually lose weight without losing energy.

A typical menu for a day

Breakfast: Oatmeal on the water with the addition of raisins and apple juice concentrate.

Lunch: Thick vegetable soup and a bagel, wholemeal.

Lunch: Vegetable curry potatoes, pumpkin and carrot with unpolished rice.


- This diet does not deprive a person of the products that he needs for energy.

- Currently, scientists recommend to eat more protein and less fat and sugar, and recommends that this diet.

- No need to spend time counting calories.

- Diet flexible enough.

- Diet allows for long-term adherence, and gives a good weight loss.


- Because processed foods and ready meals are not allowed, almost all have to buy raw, and then prepare yourself, that takes a lot of time.

- You have to put to rest long-term eating habits and try exotic foods such as tofu, bean sprouts, pulses and cereals.

Tags: diet