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 Meals on the run, stress at work, and as a result - weight and spoil the look of the folds of fat. In order to obtain a good figure and return the peace of mind, humanity constantly comes up with a variety of programs normalization of weight.

The names of popular diets on everyone's lips, and something to hide, their authors are not only moral, but also material dividends from their inventions in the field of dietetics. So before you get carried away by any of the trendy diets should carefully consider not only its advantages but also disadvantages. This will help you to adequately evaluate the proposed way to lose weight, do not be tempted with the promise to lose 10 pounds in the first week and, most importantly, do not harm your health.

Blood group

Mowgli cry "We're the same blood - you and I" gained new meaning thanks to Dr. Peter D'Adamo. His weight loss program based on the fact that the power of man to be directly affected by his blood. The oldest physician considers the first (zero to Western classification) blood group. Our forefathers were hunters, has a powerful physique and a strong digestive system, and therefore for people with this blood group (and there are in the world, about 33%) is the most natural type of food, based on the consumption of large amounts of protein - meat, liver. Can fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits (citrus besides, since they increase the acidity of gastric juice). Rye bread, and then only in limited quantities. Drinks - green tea, tea with wild rose, mint and lime. D'Adamo does not recommend drinking coffee, alcoholic drinks (sometimes you can wine and beer), tea with St. John's wort, echinacea and strawberry leaf. Should be limited to cereals (especially oatmeal and wheat), and cabbage (except broccoli), beans, pickles, ketchup and sugar altogether excluded. Exercise shown "Hunters" - intense jogging, skiing, swimming, aerobics.

The second group of blood (37, 8% of the population) appeared when people moved from hunting to farming animals. People of this type are easier to tolerate climate change and diet. To strengthen the immune system serves as plant foods - fruits and vegetables. Avoid meat, dairy products and limit (can be yogurt, cheese, low-fat cheeses). They may serve as a substitute soy products. Welcome vegetable oils, beans, eggs, cereals and unsalted fish (except for plaice, herring and halibut, caviar). From drinks allowed coffee, green tea, red wine, carrot, pineapple and cherry juices. From sports disciplines best ones that promote relaxation and harmony: muscle stretching exercises, tai chi.

Winners of the third group of blood D'Adamo called nomads. It is about 20, 6% of the population. "Nomad" luckier all - they are practically omnivorous, have excellent health. They were allowed to fish, meat (except chicken and duck), dairy products, eggs, cereals (except buckwheat and pshёnki), fruits and vegetables (except tomatoes, corn and olives). Taboo on soy, seafood, tomato juice and soda. Should choose sports that promote not only physical development, but also the mobilization of the spirit: biking, walking, swimming.
The fourth group of blood - the most rare (7-8%) is the result of mixing the first and third groups. These people shows mixed diet. Meat (lamb, turkey, rabbit), fish, dairy products, soy cheese, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, cereals (except buckwheat), fruits, vegetables. Banned seafood, pepper, olives, corn and citrus. Allowed coffee, green and herbal teas, as well as beer and wine.

According to D'Adamo, the benefits of this diet is that you stop there toxic products for you. This reduces the inflammation of the stomach and intestines, eliminates flatulence, normalizes hormonal balance. However, serious research, which could confirm the effectiveness of the diet, there has never been. In addition, some researchers have questioned the theory of the origin of the blood groups. There are suggestions that first appeared is not the first, and then the second group, and the second or third. Gastroenterologists also believe that intolerance to certain foods are often associated not with blood, and the insufficient number of certain enzymes responsible for the processing of various food components. Also be aware that this method of weight loss can be dangerous for people with chronic diseases.
Blood group diet

The Atkins Diet

Number of discussions about this diet, no less. Dr. Atkins was first presented his system of weight loss in the early 1970s of the last century, but then it did not find the idea of ​​such a response. The boom came in the mid-90s. His way to bring harmony consists of two stages. The first lasts for two weeks, and the second - for the rest of life. The first part is designed to get used to the new eating habits, and during the second gradually achieved desired weight and maintained at the required level. The diet is based on the consumption of high amounts of fats and refusal of carbohydrate food (carbohydrates - that's why this diet is also called low-carb). Atkins believed that at deficiency of carbohydrates the body begins to produce energy from fat, which means faster spends fat reserves.

Excluded from the diet of fruits, vegetables and foods high in carbohydrates (pastries, pasta, sweets). Products that combine proteins and carbohydrates or fats and carbohydrates are also contraindicated. On the day can not consume more than 20 g of carbohydrate. You do not need to limit the amount of calories, but there are better only when there is hunger. You can: meat, butter and olive oil, fish, poultry and seafood. Artificial fats (margarine) is strictly prohibited. Undesirable dietary fat products since they contain a synthetic oil and a large amount of carbohydrates. From beverages is permitted mineral water, herbal teas and drinks without sugar with sugar substitutes (except those that end in -oza eg fructose). Atkins also recommends supplementation with chromium and L-carnitine, fats, helping to recycle energy.

In the second phase of the program selects a suitable person to him consumption of carbohydrates, which helps to preserve the results. Before you begin, Atkins advises to stop taking medication, undergo medical examination and verify the absence of diabetes, since this disease is low-carb diet is dangerous sharp imbalance in blood sugar levels. Atkins method attracted many Hollywood celebrities such as actress Jennifer Aniston. In the opinion of the proponents of this program, this diet really helped them lose weight. Atkins is particularly favorable to different men, as meat-based meals they perceive as the most useful and natural.

But before you start to eat "on Atkins", it is important to know the following. Recent studies have shown the ineffectiveness of Danish scientists of this method. During the first six months, the amount of fat tissue in the body of the subjects decreased, but then again, most people have started to gain weight. In addition, many of them complained of headache, weakness and digestive disorders. Scientists have concluded that the reason - lack in the diet of fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.

In addition, many nutritionists believe that carbohydrate intake is controlled by the body. That is, to overeat carbohydrate food will be difficult due to the rapidly emerging satiety. A transition carbohydrates into fat is only possible with a large one-stage of consumption, for example, if you eat 500 grams of pure sugar. Agree, it is very difficult. But the fat man is easy to overeat, because the feeling of satiety in this case arises not at once. The amount of fat eaten per day, including plant, must not exceed 35-40 grams. In addition, because of the abundance of the protein Atkins diet puts a heavy load on the kidneys, can cause bad breath. Excessive fat intake leads to a sharp increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood and, as a consequence, to atherosclerosis. The hair can become dry and brittle.

Montignac Diet

Frenchman Michel Montignac - pharmaceutical company employee once decided to create its own system of power. As in the above methods, we are not talking about fasting, on the contrary, the most famous phrase Montignac - "I eat, then I'm losing weight." The basic idea of ​​this method is that by avoiding certain foods and dishes, not to limit themselves while in the amount of food. The method is based on the assumption Montignac that most overweight is associated with the violation in the pancreas which is released into the blood and excess insulin promotes processing of carbohydrates into fat.

Based on this, all we consume carbohydrates are divided into "bad" (cause an increased release of insulin) and "good". "Bad" (sugar, sweets, bread made with white flour, white rice, alcoholic beverages, potatoes, corn) must be excluded and only eat "good" carbohydrates, which are partially absorbed by the body and do not cause a significant increase in blood sugar levels. This is the bread and pasta, wholemeal, wild rice, and fruits and vegetables that are best eaten on an empty stomach. Allowed the use of sugar substitutes. Until the desired weight is reached, it is necessary to avoid products consisting of fats and carbohydrates (chocolate, cookies, nuts, dairy fat products). Juices only svezheotzhatye, but coffee should be avoided. Avid coffee people drink Montignac allows decaffeinated coffee.

Montignac diet does not involve starvation and, therefore, does not lead to a rapid and dangerous for healthy weight loss. It forms a useful dietary habits (avoiding alcohol, drinking fresh juices).

But remember that the strict rejection of products containing sugar, can not only lead to nervous reaction on sweet, but also cause a sharp drop in blood glucose, and this leads to a decrease in mental activity. The body will begin to extract glucose from proteins, depriving bodies of these important building elements. Safe use of sugar substitutes have not proved, and their effect on the body is not exactly known. Moreover, "good" also include calorie carbohydrates and overeating because such products can lead to weight gain.

South Beach (South Beach Diet)

This diet was invented in sunny Florida. Cardiologist Arthur Agatson offered it for patients with heart disease, but soon noticed that in addition to improving the general condition of his patients begin to lose weight. Calories do not need to be considered. The recommended diet - the "good" fats and carbohydrates 6 times a day (three meals and two "snack" during the day). It is particularly important to include in the menu, eggs, seafood, vegetables, nuts, lean poultry, olive oil and drink plenty of water. Thus it is necessary to limit animal fats, margarine and "bad" carbohydrates (sugar, fruit, rice, potatoes and white bread). Of categorical prohibitions - beer, chips and salted pretzels. The first stage consists of two weeks, during which time the body gets rid of excess carbohydrates, and then you can start to eat in a healthy mode. That is, in the menu, you can restore the previously forbidden foods, but do not overeat. And this still have to avoid starchy foods and sweets and not get involved in a late dinner. For "strict" two weeks you can lose 5-6 extra pounds, the second phase of the diet should last as long as the weight is closer to the desired. Finally, the third phase - a way of life that has no restrictions, but there is a reasonable limitation of potatoes, white rice, pasta, muffins and sweets.

Plus, this diet - in its balance, as it contains all the basic food groups. Limitation of sweet and starchy foods allows you to adjust the level of cholesterol and insulin levels. Besides diet quite easily tolerated. However, some physicians cite the fact that the major weight loss in this type of power supply can be due to the fact that the body loses liquid. Also, this diet is not indicated for people with impaired renal function. Although this diet is fairly easy, the second stage of her when allowed to return to the previously forbidden foods, some may break and start to overeat. It is fraught with sharp fluctuations in weight that can be harmful to health.

Zonal power (Zone)

Diet was created in 1996 by Dr. Barry Sears. The basic idea - split fats, proteins and carbohydrates are the so-called blocks. Thus, in one block of protein taken 30 grams of lean meat or fish, or 50 g low-fat cottage cheese; per unit of carbohydrates - 1 cup of vegetables or half a cup of rice. A block fat - is a teaspoon of vegetable oil or 3 olives. Each meal should consist of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat, but calculation is carried out not in percentage, namely in blocks. There is a need every 4-5 hours, regardless of hunger. Due to this maximizes metabolism and the body gets rid of unnecessary weight "ballast". Here, too, there is a distinction between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. It is not recommended to lean on dairy products, it is better to choose low-fat or fat with the smallest percentage of products. Should abandon the egg yolks and whites only. The body needs fats should come from plant foods (vegetable oil, nuts, avocados).

The temptation to try to imagine Zone diet could not resist celebrities such as Madonna, Winona Ryder, Demi Moore and Renee Zellweger, who with the help of Zone lose the weight gained by it for the role of naive plump "Bridget Jones's Diary." Unlike the previous Zone diet is that along with the power system Sears assigns an important role to physical training: walking and exercise with small weights. Load gradually increased, and the lessons growing up to 1 hour per day. This diet is to sredneuglevodnym, that is not strictly limits the intake of carbohydrates, and calls for moderation. Because of this you do not have to flatly refuse from favorite products. Large weight loss immediately do not wait, but it is more likely to be attributed not to the disadvantages and advantages to the diet, as on the recommendation of the WHO (World Health Organization) decrease in body weight in a healthy way is permissible only 3 kg per month.

The Mediterranean diet

This diet is similar to the concept of "lifestyle". That is, you do not just eat according to certain rules, two or three weeks, and acquire certain habits for life that helps maintain good health. This diet was not someone specifically designed, rather, it is a traditional food system for the region, which developed over the centuries. As diet Zone, Mediterranean diet encourages the body to obtain the necessary fats from vegetable oil and olives. Proved that vegetable oil and fish oil to stimulate the production of prostaglandins - substances that regulate cellular metabolism and plays a major role in the prevention of heart attacks and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is also important to consume as much fresh fish (at least four times a week), while abandoning canned. In fish high in omega-3, strengthens the heart and blood vessels. From two to five times a week to eat lean meat (pork tenderloin, turkey, rabbit, chicken, ham).

But do not get carried away - a portion should not exceed one hundred grams. Replenishment of iron promotes red meat. The best sources of protein are eggs, but their number should not be more than 2-4 units a week. Three servings of fruit a day will provide the body with vitamins. Instead of refined products offered whole pasta, rice, cereals (muesli, porridge). Vegetables raw or steamed better, but can be combined with boiled (for example, to eat fresh salad and soup). In Your diet must enter garlic, onions and herbs (coriander), because the use of green slows the aging process and prevents cancer. Do not forget about dairy products. But the choice is better to stop on the yogurt and yogurt, whole milk and cheese are best avoided. But the main difference from the rest of the Mediterranean diet (maybe that's why she has so many fans) - a day to drink one glass of wine, best red. According to the inhabitants of the land of plenty, good wine stimulates the heart and rejuvenates the body.

In favor of this power system says low mortality inhabitants of the Mediterranean from heart attacks and strokes, which are a real scourge of our civilization. There is no need to consider the interest, blocks and so on. But remember: the green light is given to only one, maximum two glasses of wine a day. Alcohol just to get carried away. Many people do not believe the wine so much alcohol because of the low degree of alcohol, but the consequences can be very sad. In addition, alcohol intake is contraindicated in people with liver disease (eg, alcoholic and viral hepatitis), kidney, as well as women who are expecting a baby.

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