Diet or pills. To pick a woman?

 More than one decade in the community to discuss the question "proper nutrition" and "healthy lifestyle". Striving for inner health and outer appearance of the ideal modern society dictates its own rules. Therefore, it is almost impossible to meet a woman who would not dream to be slim.

Thin waist has become an indicator of health and beauty, sex appeal. Often, failures in the professional sphere, the personal life of a woman connects with excessive fullness. Many ladies restrained sigh at the store on fashionable dress "inappropriate" size.

How to cope with an overwhelming sense of envy when well, very slim employee defile every day around the office, and the standards are very close to her mannequin, face and eyes shine with freshness. Every woman has developed an opinion and a decision on the problem of excess weight. Be complete today is not fashionable. Lose yourself and to keep the weight in the new "category" is almost impossible. Women in the fight against excess weight torturing diets or pills. As a rule, does not bring long-term benefits.

Causes of obesity are many, including genetic predisposition, poor environment, hormonal disorders, poor diet (high in animal fats, plenty of carbohydrates, lack of fruits, vegetables, vitamins); constant stress and trying to forget about them for a glass of wine and a cigarette; and perhaps too tight clothing and footwear (as a result - poor circulation), a sedentary lifestyle. Ladies who are overweight can suffer from hypertension and diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, low back pain, cholelithiasis, etc.

Women should, above all, to calm the nervous system and traumatized by special exercises, it is best classical gymnastics, dance, ballet, horse riding, walking on air. Take vitamins complex B, pine or lavender bath.

It is necessary to identify the root cause of excess weight. You may need to treat stress itself, not complete, because it is - is secondary. Find positive things in your life that will help you see the future, and then the body will respond positively, respectively normalized and weight. We must learn to love yourself for what it is. In any weight can be an interesting woman. The main thing is to want it and believe in themselves.

And if you decided to use diet pills or different, the pre-visit a registered dietitian. Slimming process requires constant supervision, consultation. Each person is unique, unique. And that will suit one can harm the other. Since the main problem is posed as to achieve the desired weight, it is impossible without balance in the body and health. If it so happened that overweight prevents you live, you can help solve this problem only a comprehensive approach.

But even the most balanced, professionally selected Slimming System does not expect miracles - nothing will change given the nature of the constitution of man, no diet pills and do not turn back the clock. Ladies with normo or hypersthenic physique naive dreams of becoming a "bylinochkoy" and absurd demands of mature matrons return them to a flat stomach and a girl's waist.

In all you need to know a sense of proportion. The main thing that any of their improvement is not dealt another injury. If you lose weight, to be sexually attractive, then you need to understand that sexual privlekatelnost- this is what women in action, in behavior.


Tags: diet