What diseases go overweight

 If you have not yet decided whether to sit on a diet, the experts tell you that even with the unnecessary excess kilos will leave your body.

All that I possess in the "load"

Nutritionist gastroenterologist Elena Denisova:

The most common disease because of excess weight:

-gipertoniya and ischemia (blood supply and as a consequence - the oxygen supply);

-ateroskleroz vessels, including the brain (less food animal fats and more fruits and vegetables, the less is formed atherosclerotic plaques, vessel walls are restored) as a result of a reduced risk of stroke, angina, congestive heart failure;

-Many liver disease (with a change in diet towards plant gradually cleans the liver);

-neinfektsionny, toxic hepatitis caused by overeating and excessive load on the liver;

-pankreatit (difficult disease of the pancreas associated with abundant fatty foods and meat);

-osteohondroz spine (the lower the weight, the less stress tests spine);

-artrozy - wear and deformation of the joint often associated with metabolic disorder that is caused by overeating.

Proper weight loss can help with infertility?

Endocrinologist Narine Yeghiyan:

Because of the weight loss comes back to normal carbohydrate and fat exchanges, and our body gets rid including by:

-predraspolozhennosti to diabetes (a disease correlated with obesity);

-besplodiya, which often depends on the ovarian dysfunction arising from the disruption of hormonal levels;

-zabolevaniya vessels of the lower limbs, even varicose veins, which provoke unnecessary load on the legs.

Reduces the risk of mikrospazmov and vessels gradually improve their health. '

In other words, the "correct" weight, the better metabolism, which affects both physical and mental well-being.

Pounds disappear - increased self-esteem!

Psychologist Maria Filatova:

Many people go on a diet rather difficult psychologically. It seems that along with delicious cakes of life will take the lion's share of positive emotions. For them, the role is not environmental assessment ("Something you put on weight ..."), but only its own. We need to understand that a diet - it is not a stroke of fate, but only the necessary help your body and your soul.

After weight loss people are beginning to understand that the strict limitation of the scope and often only internal, not external. And to overcome them, you just want. As happened after the diet postroynevshim body - there was an inner ease, confidence - and it will be with the outside world.

The more we love your body, yourself, the more positive emotions in life. And from that disappear and external constraints, and many negative factors simply cease to exist.

One of the most dangerous diets - dry fasting. When a person is on a diet or undergoing fasting, the amount of fluid on the contrary, should increase. Upon cancellation of the water comes dehydration, and because water removes toxins, then there is an intoxication decay products. And it is much more dangerous than overweight.


Do not rush into a diet with a head

Nutritionist gastroenterologist Elena Denisova advises to start some kind of a diet without first consulting with your doctor. Any diet, even the most simple - it is stressful for the body. Before you change the type of food, it is necessary to make a general and biochemical analysis of blood and urine.

Control specialist is especially necessary for some types of obesity, hormonal, psychosomatic disorders. In addition, you have to be very careful to people with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular disease.

If you have long tormented overweight, single diet is unlikely to be able to effectively help. To get rid of extra pounds, and at the same time from unnecessary diseases, it is necessary to change all the settled lifestyle and nutrition. To get started, try not to comply with complex rules that will not only lose a few pounds, but also clean the body of toxins and cholesterol.

1. How much drink plain water (up to two liters a day) - it is well toxins from the body, and fills the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety.

2. Discard the marinated and heavily salted foods - pickles, smoked fish, hot spices, mayonnaise and so on. Besides the fact that such food is significantly irritate the stomach, it retains water in the body, which is why there may be swelling.

3. Try steamed rather than fry. Such food retains more vitamins and minerals.

4. Eat as many fruits and vegetables. They contain fiber, vitamins and minerals that not only help to better run your gastrointestinal tract, but also removes toxins, helping to recycle other products to help their assimilation.

5. Try to replace coffee with green tea - it contains a lot of antioxidants that prevent aging and slimming.

6. Meat - the main weed organism cholesterol. Try to eat only lean pork and veal, and fish.

7. Forget snack - food should be enjoyed and even ritual. Do not include dinner and lunch TVs, try to lay the table nicely. And most importantly - for breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time.

8. One of the main rules - move more (or at least walk for 30 - 40 minutes per day) and do not snack after seven in the evening.


Tags: weight, disease