-sokovaya Tomato diet: how to lose weight

Tomato diet -sokovaya
glass of tomato juice with two slices of rye bread, spread a thin layer of butter or half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese with fruit salad.

Lunch Time:
glass of tomato juice, half a cup of cooked rice with a small amount of vegetables, and for dessert, raw or baked apple or 150 grams of lean boiled fish, salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce leaves, drizzled with oil in the amount of tablespoons, and for dessert - 100 g grapes.

100 g of ground beef, seasoned with pepper and herbs, a little stewed mushrooms with onions, boiled potatoes, two small or half boiled chicken breast and obodranoy, boiled with vegetables and half a cup of cooked rice.

Tags: diet