Seven habits, stealing symmetry

 In the struggle for a beautiful figure, good health and ideal weight, we often stir up your appetite. It was he who sees the root of evil. Someone is fighting with him under the flag of starvation, someone - with a knife and fork in hand. How to make friends with your appetite?

Watch yourself and you must admit honestly: do you always eat because really hungry? Presumably not. (If your answer is - "Yes", then you do not read - your weight and so is ideal, and the diet corresponds exactly to the real needs of the body.)

The fact is that the appetite often deceives us from "sucking on a spoon," even if the body does not need a new piece of nutrients.

Rating causes "false hunger":

1. The habit of overeating

Many believe the meal as over only when the "stomach presses on the eyes." If you are young - that is, the digestive system works fast, high physical activity, and weight does not bother - the passion "good burst" may be relatively harmless. While it may become a habit. If not already done so as a child because of lamentations doting mother: "Well, even a spoon - for ma-and-ama, for the PA-A-Apu ..."

2. Stress, worry, anxiety

Unable to cope with negative emotions, we try to seize - "give us something to please yourself." Yes, to some extent it is a good "therapy" - ate a piece of cake, and your soul easier. But if each can focus on one piece? No: depression and anxiety we try to block the triumph of gluttony. And as soon as the feeling of satiety, we accept Koster himself for intemperance and with reproach look in the mirror: "Well, here again the belly like a drum." A vicious circle.

3. Greed

The desire to eat for the future (especially if it is a favorite, but seldom bought dishes), the notorious "food for free", "battle for food" in the family, a student residence or at the festive table for corporate events - they are also "ispostasi" greed .

4. Idleness and boredom

Perhaps the most common phenomenon - to regale simply to entertain, to please yourself, do something free time.

5. Wrong schedule

Invalid organized working day leads to the fact that we eat whatever and mostly at night. Well even if given time for a business lunch in the office closest to the cafe - a hundred times heated, stale and overcooked steak. But most of all - "obzhiralovka" before bedtime. Another harmful factor - lack of sleep. According to the latest scientific data, in case of lack of sleep leptin - a hormone that regulates appetite - decreases, which leads to a heightened sense of hunger. Not enough sleep, we want to "appease" sluggish body with treats.

6. The habit of eating on the go, or slowly in front of TV

A great way to gain extra pounds - is, without noticing the food. Of course, at this point you are busy with more important thing - reading Dontsovu guessing crossword, watching the news about the hurricane in Zimbabwe or chasing balls in a computer game! You are not up to eating. And then you will also not give a damn about converging jeans and overhanging belly?

7. "The ritual of eating"

Daily glass of beer after work; cake whenever you go to your favorite coffee shop; coffee and biscuit packaging as the beginning of the working day; seeds and nuts for the show; three or four dishes for lunch ... Why was eaten this food? Based on the feeling of hunger or because the food - a mandatory part of the ritual?
Perhaps the way to the chiseled figure much shorter than it seems. The point is not to limit themselves and to meals to meet the real need for food, its composition and quantity of notes In this case, you can be free from the tyranny of the endless diet and get the full enjoyment of the taste of the food, not afraid to get better.

Eat properly:

1. Slowly - signal of saturation will go faster than you can overeat.

2. Focusing on the form, taste and smell of food. There are tasteful - so tastefully live.

In a word, listen to your body - it is sure to tell you that he needs, when and in what quantity.

The main thing - do not stifle its "voice", a cry of their own habits.

How brilliant Gabrielle Chanel said: "Honest appetite is always simple, and the simple appetite is always modest."

Love Petrukhina

Tags: habit, harmony