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 We found out what products will not let you gain weight before the summer.  

Products on which lose weight, does not exist. But there are those that do not add us to kilograms. "At least these animal fats and simple carbohydrates, ie sugars," - says Lydia Ionov, Director nutritional center "Clinic Doctor ions". "In addition, they contain fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness, and fill the need for protein, vitamins and minerals," - says Natalia Scripcenco, nutritionist clinic "Medicine".


"It is not magic, but superpoleznoe - says Scripcenco. - It is low in calories and rich in vitamin C ". "Be sure to eat apples with peel - adds Ionov. - That it most fiber. " Great dessert - baked apples with cinnamon.


Better to chew them raw. "Boiled carrots increases the level of sugar in the blood" - explain nutritionists. "A carrot juice, which is mistaken for a dietary product, almost no fat," - says Natalia Scripcenco.


This is one of the main sources of vitamin C. «Use lemon juice as a salad dressing, sprinkled them fish, seafood and poultry," - recommends Scripcenco. Do you like eating circles of lemon with peel? Very good - it contains a large amount of fiber. Just do not sprinkle sugar lemon drops.

Cottage Cheese

Better nonfat or low fat (5-7%). "This is a dietary source of calcium", - says Natalya Scripcenco. "Studies show that when dieting, eat lots of calcium-rich foods, losing weight is much faster," - said Lydia Ionov.

Green tea

"This drink - an indispensable component of most famous diets" - says Lydia Ionov. "But we should not drink more than one liter of green tea a day, because it promotes leaching of potassium from the body - warns Natalia Scripcenco. - If you still used to drink a lot of it is added to the tea dried fruits such as apricots rich in potassium. "


"Supplier of complex carbohydrates, B vitamins, vegetable fats, good for the heart and stomach of pectin, as well as magnesium, required under the enhanced mental work", - says Ionov. "Moreover, oatmeal improves fat metabolism in the body - adds Scripcenco. - However, all of the above applies exactly to this oatmeal porridge rather than fast food. "


Lightweight and low-calorie (60 kcal). However, not all. "Sushi with smoked eel quite fatty," - says Ionov. "If you want to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, eat sashimi" - advises Scripcenco.

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