My life, my diet

 '31 The average woman spends on a diet, according to statistics. Just imagine: three decades of almost every one of us wears himself starvation, feeling miserable, destitute, dependent on food. Chronic fatigue and insomnia, irritability and mood swings - eternal companions woman losing weight. As a reward it if he could sit on a diet is not broke, can get a slim figure. But, alas, only for a while ...

Sometimes they come back

Lost weight, as you know, almost always come back. How Come? Currently there are more than 28 thousand diets. Low-fat, "spectacle", vegetable, cheese, Hollywood, chocolate diet Alsou and kefir diet Valley ...

The truth is that all diets are built on the severe restriction of caloric intake helps to lose weight, but not fat. Starving the body very quickly rebuilt on the "military" mode. Metabolism slows down, while as a fuel reserve fat is used only by 35-40 percent. The main fuel becomes protein tissue - muscle cells, liver and brain. Once exhausted by fasting the body returns to its original diet, enzymes responsible for fat accumulation, are beginning to work with a vengeance (in case of a future "war").

As a result, dropped pounds come back, but in a new way: the lost protein is replaced by fatty tissue. The harder and more monotonous diet was, the greater is the subsequent weight gain. A vicious circle? ..

War stereotypes and common sense

Why do we strive to be thin? After all, there is such a thing as a healthy fullness. Not just once, from the standpoint of conventional aesthetic norms, the weight is unhealthy. And for many women is the fullness!

But the shop windows and the covers of magazines favored by most members of the fairer sex to the idea that beauty and parameters Barbie dolls - are identical concepts. Meanwhile, it is proved that a woman, if she had exactly the proportions would have to do without the esophagus or the trachea. Together, these two bodies just would not fit inside her ...
Anorexia (psychopathological syndrome, manifested in compulsive weight loss) in our time is increasingly becoming a cause of death, particularly among fashion models. That is why in some European countries have already introduced laws prohibiting appear on the podium girls, a BMI (body mass index) below 18.

Council: not to yield to provocations media. Shining stars on the covers of glossy magazines - the result of work of an entire army of makeup artists, stylists, lighting and photo editors. It is likely that if you worked on a number of professionals, you would have eclipsed any star, not making any effort.

Stars on the scales

Not all Hollywood beauty slim by nature. Stars are people too, and very many of them have a hard time in the fight against excess weight. In addition, each goes his own way. Someone combines sensible eating and exercise, and someone dares to more drastic measures ...

Madonna at fifty remains young and slim. It is known that she is a real fan of the sport, which helps her to stay in great shape. But in her case without dietary restrictions has not done: Madonna adheres macrobiotic diet, which strictly prohibits the consumption of products such as sugar, milk, meat, eggs, cheese, black tea, coffee.

Hope BabkinWhich is known to be able to lose as much as 40 pounds, lost weight under the supervision of a dietician. Eliminate fat, flour and sugary foods and completely abandoning alcohol, she ate often, but little by little. Diet helps from time to time, and then got up weight. Then the famous singer refused to power on the regime, began to eat as often as hunger, and most importantly, learned to stop himself in time, get up from the table, not with a heavy stomach.

Known opera singerDeborah White because of its excessive fullness was even barred from participating in the London productions of the opera house. Prima Donna did not torture yourself diets and resorted to drastic measures: deciding on surgery to reduce stomach, she soon dropped 45 pounds.

What to do?

Only one way out: to adhere to the principles of healthy eating, combining a diet with a moderate but regular physical activity. Lead an active life and, most importantly, love yourself.

Olga Egorova

Tags: diet, singer