Melanie Griffith - diet (seafood)

 And you love seafood as their love Melanie Griffith? Try her version of the diet. In three weeks, will be able to lose more than 5 kg. The effectiveness of diet Melanie Griffith is not in doubt because fish contains far fewer calories than meat. For example, 150 grams of cod, grilled, contains only 200 calories and 150 grams of steak - twice! Even oily fish such as trout or mackerel, if cook it on the grill, will contain only 250 calories.  

Now, make a menu yourself from one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner and two snacks.

- Two slices of bread with lettuce, tomato, 50 g of tuna in brine;
- 25 g unsweetened cereal with milk, toast bread with a little marmalade, a small banana;
- A toast, 50 g of sardines in their own juice, a glass of lemon juice, tomato, sliced;
- 50 grams of mushrooms, boiled in a small amount of chicken broth, one boiled egg, one slice of deep-fried grilled lean bacon, one crispbread, half a cup of orange juice.

- 150 g of any seafood (shrimp, crab, clams, etc.. D.), Suspended without shells, and a large portion of mixed salad, seasoned with lemon juice;
- 90 g of canned salmon or tuna, a large portion of mixed salad, seasoned with lemon juice, one small roll;
- A toast, a fish cake with a tablespoon of tomato sauce, a large portion of salad of green vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice;
- Sandwich of two small slices of bread with a salad and one of the following excipients: two mashed sardines; a preheated grill and shredded fish sticks; 50 g foie crab or salmon.
In addition, the diet dinner includes fresh fruit (optional) - apple, orange, pear, plum or two small banana.

- 150 g smoked ham, boiled in water, 12 g of spaghetti in tomato sauce, canned celery, broccoli or cabbage;
- Fish cake, 50 g green peas, 75 grams of potato chips, a large portion of mixed salad;
- 250 g chicken, grilled (without skin), green beans, baked tomatoes, 50 grams of mushrooms, boiled in a small amount of chicken broth, a large portion of green salad, seasoned with lemon juice, a glass of diet yogurt;
- 75 grams of lean roast meat with sauce or casserole 150g white fish, mushroom soup, onions, tomatoes and spices; 125 g potatoes, cooked in their skins, a large portion of cabbage, cauliflower, celery canned;
- 150 grams of any oily fish (herring, mackerel, trout), roll in bread crumbs (25 g) and baked in foil with the addition of grated lemon peel, lemon juice and 6 g margarine, courgettes or cauliflower, broccoli, lemon slice.
The diet dinner also includes fresh fruit.

Alcohol and snacks:
Glass of dry wine or two glasses of aperitif; crispy bun with lettuce; small bar "Mars" dry biscuit or two; 150 g of the grape.

Tags: diet