Life with the prefix light

 "What is there to eat to lose weight? "- The eternal question that plagues every dieter woman. And at first glance, producers are sensitive to our maniacal desire to get rid of extra pounds. Store shelves are filled with enticing labels: light, low fat, «no sugar", "0% fat", "dietary", etc. It would seem that you eat - do not want to! Alas, it is not so simple ...

Paradoxically on fact: it is proved that the constant use of the products light (here include a variety of foods low in sugar, fat and calories) in most cases does not entail a significant weight loss. On the contrary, they are often supporters contrary to gain weight! The fact is that to satisfy hunger, people feel that eating such foods, or they eat them in larger amounts, or "gather additionally" calories due to something else. That is, as a reward for abstinence we begin to indulge yourself with some goodies and fall into the trap.

But first, let's take a look at what exactly do we take the bait more often, and that really mean all those low-calorie promises.


Fashion on light food (light food) came to us from America, where they obstructed almost the entire population. And this, mind you, so many fat people, as in the US, not in any other country in the world!

Word light («light") written on the label, typically means that their caloric content of not less than 25-33% (in different countries have different standards) than the original product. A classic example - Coca-cola light, which is used instead of sugar sweetener, reducing calorie drink many times.

However, it is possible that the caloric content remains virtually unchanged, and the reduced amount of sugar or fat. In this case, you pay for the inscription light by about 10-20% more on your figure and it will not change.


Somehow in our minds magic phrase "sugar-free" chewing gum, a bottle of Diet Coke, Bars of muesli or diabetic candy automatically mean low calorie. Unfortunately, but not containing sugar (including diabetic) food is not always dietary!

Despite the fact that the products in the supermarket to reduce the weight and for diabetics are always on the same shelf. Well, how could it be otherwise, because there is no sugar, objected very much! Does this mean that this is not exactly on potolsteesh? Alas, this is not always the case! After all sugar substitutes are of two different species, which do not have each other nothing in common.

Natural sweeteners differ by only 1, 5-2 times less than that of sugar, calorie, but practically harmless (unlike artificial). It is they who most often found in confectionery products labeled "sugar-free".

This fructose, xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, isomalt, palatinit and others. They differ from sugars is that they fall into the cells without the involvement of insulin secretion and have practically no influence. That is why, according to some nutritionists (for example, Michel Montignac), natural sweeteners are absolutely acceptable for dieters. But this does not mean that they do not contain any calories!

And here is absolutely non-nutritive artificial sweeteners because they are no part of carbohydrates. Getting on the taste buds language, they cause nervous "burst of sweetness," but it generally does not affect the release of insulin and blood sugar levels.

It permits in Russia sweeteners include saccharin, cyclamate, acesulfame, aspartame, sucralose, and some others. Most of them are not digested by the human body and excreted out of it intact. They are suitable for people suffering from diabetes, and dieters. However, they all have a fairly large number of contraindications, and therefore they can be used only infrequently and in small quantities.

Fat-free products

Well, with low-fat milk or yogurt are all more or less clear. Have you ever wondered what, in fact, contained in mayonnaise or reduced-calorie margarine? Take, for example, mayonnaise ...

If a classic recipe in its composition should include vegetable oil, egg yolk, mustard and vinegar (or lemon juice), then take it from low calorie? It is easy to understand, if we compare the list of ingredients on a conventional low-calorie mayonnaise and: in the latter case, you will see a huge list of various emulsifiers, stabilizers and other marginally useful components.

In addition, the fat in the "light" margarines, dairy products and meat substitutes another low-calorie chemical - SPE (sukropoliester). This means that the "savings" on the calories you eat a bunch of absolutely unnecessary chemicals.

About bread, bread and fiber

Another persistent myth: bread with bran (or whole grain) calories a lot less than usual, and therefore there can be almost indefinitely. In fact, different types of bread caloric different minimal. Another issue that baking with various additives (bran, whole-grain, wheat germ, etc.) is much more useful. But if you want to lose weight - you should not entertain the hope that there is some low-calorie bread.

More informed choice for those who are watching their weight are all kinds of bread. Although calories they also contain a lot, but the content of fiber, they are far superior to any bread (its share can be up to 20%).

However, there is another option for dieters ladies - bran or fiber-like in appearance popcorn. They certainly taste is not that much, but you can reassure yourself of their exceptional utility. Call them non-nutritive quite impossible, but their nutritional value is incomparable with bread and loaves. And most importantly, that their digestion organism spends almost as many calories as they contain.

Cautiously, soy!

Very often, as in the departments of health food, as well as in normal, you can find numerous low-calorie versions of cheese, chocolate spreads, mayonnaise, sour cream, and even soy goulash. Low calorie - it is certainly fine, but not in this case.

The fact that most of the soy products used in (as a low-calorie and in conventional sausages or sausage), is genetically modified. What is it and what is dangerous, probably do not need to explain. This can now read almost every magazine and hear on television.

Although full-scale research on this topic has not yet been conducted, it is believed that genetically modified foods can seriously affect our bodies, including at the genetic level. Not by chance, in the West they are often called «frankenstein food», ie "Frankenstein food". This means that if you're going to become a mother and recently it started, you had better refrain from such experiments.

What are the chances to buy products made from genetically modified soybeans in our stores? Despite the fact that our country has officially registered more than a dozen modified crops, domestic manufacturers are hardly involved in their growing, so often these foods (including dietary and) come to us from abroad.

Useful ease

After all written might get the impression that almost without exception, diet foods are harmful. Of course, it is not so! But if you want to lose weight or just to control your weight, preference should be given no food without the fat and sugar, mostly artificial and natural products with the minimum calorie.

For example, any pate labeled light will still be in calories than chicken breast or lean fish. A fresh fruit and vegetables from the point of view of the health benefits and the figure is still many times better pastry with sweetener.

By the way, useful products in the dietary departments of supermarkets should pay attention to pasta, wholemeal and brown rice. And although, as in the case of bread, their caloric slightly below ordinary dieters better to use that symbol.

And for pregnant ...

Despite the fact that during pregnancy and after childbirth a woman carefully watching their weight, most of the products of a series of light at this time is better to forget. Especially those that contain all sorts of genetically modified ingredients and artificial sweeteners.

While some doctors believe that the latest in small quantities do not pose any harm. But most believe that they, as well as any other chemicals and pills during pregnancy and breastfeeding should not use. After all, any sweet chemical penetrates the placenta and slowly removed from the fetal tissues, and can easily penetrate into the milk.

Therefore it is reasonable not to use artificial sweeteners, not only throughout pregnancy and lactation, but when you are only willing to become pregnant. Although the opinions of doctors on this topic differ somewhat, to risk the health of the child still not worth it.

Tags: selection prefix