How to plan a diet?

 It is important to eat at least three times a day. Almost crucial in the daily diet plays a breakfast, as a result of eating "include" mechanism metabolism (night he slowed down). Even if you only have time for fruit, think of how to eat a little later, thus avoiding constant snacking before lunch.  

Fitness: Muscle mass

Lunch should be well thought out in advance, especially if you will be hard work, and you find yourself constantly that "intercept" is a cheese sandwich, then a bag of something fried and crispy, the bun. Instead, you should develop the habit of cooking and take food for lunch. And this, of course, should not be sandwiches, though, because the consumption of large amounts of bread leads to unpleasant feeling of fullness, bloating and bowel malfunction. That is, if you ate for breakfast toast, then refrain from sandwiches for lunch. In the winter I try to bring homemade soups. They store well in the fridge and you can take it in a thermos if work is not possible to heat up food. I also take with rye crispbread, which perfectly blend with the soup. Complete meal can be fruit or yogurt, low-fat. You should feel the saturation, otherwise it will end constant snacking and "intercept" up to the dinner. 

The evening meal should also be planned in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to resist and not to look on the way home in the diner or fast food restaurant.

A variant of fast food quality food can be deep fried. All cooking dinner will take you about 15 minutes. Try to make vegetables the main part is prepared fried dishes. Carrots, sweet corn, peas neluschёny, celery, peppers, broccoli and cauliflower kapusta- all these products perfectly fried and retain its flavor after heating up. As for meat, I suggest two portions chicken fillet with vegetables or beans for 4 servings. Add a little soy sauce and other seasonings. I sometimes use a ready-made canned sauces. Especially good are sweet or sour, you only have to add them in processed foods for a few minutes until tender and stir. By purchasing sauce, look carefully at the label if it contains excessive amounts of sugar. It is better to choose "light" sauce, which is certainly less than sugar.

In addition, you should also plan your snacks. Snacks between big meals is not forbidden, but should control the quality of the food you eat. Should not be snacking on chocolate, cakes, fried crispy any food in bags, as these products are classified as those that should not be eaten due to the high content of fat. They only add "empty" calories in your daily diet. This means that they are high in calories but have no nutritional value. The best snack is fruit, especially if you snack away from home for work and food for a snack you need to take with you. Try to take different fruits, do not stop, for example, on some apples. Best used for snacking seasonal fruit. Nice to do three fruit snacks a day: one between breakfast and lunch, the second - between lunch and dinner, and the third - in the evening after dinner. 

If you snack at home, it is best to make a dish of raw vegetables. It is possible to add filling with low fat (see. Recipe p. 168). Most supermarkets sell good filling low-fat cottage cheese, but before you purchase the product, check the label and make sure that the fat content in it is not more than 4 grams per 100 grams of product (0, 1 ounce to 3, 5 ounces of product). It is also possible to try other filling, for example, guacamole, provided that their low fat content.

That we have the following item on the program?
At any time of the day, morning, afternoon and evening, you have to know exactly where you will take the next meal and that you will have. Unstable diet leads to disruption of the regular appearance of hunger, and if you have planned a meal, it will help you resist the temptations of overeating and eating those foods from which should be avoided.

Meals and small snacks like reference points on which you rely throughout the day. Three meals a day with fruit or other healthy snacks between meals will not allow you to gain weight, on the contrary, it stimulates constant sgonki excess weight and provides the body with all the nutrients. Conversely, if you eat high-calorie foods in writing that do not contain the required set of nutrients, such as sweets, cakes and the like, that despite the fact that you provide the body with the necessary amount of calories, it will require more food, in hopes of getting the necessary useful batteries. People often try to drown out again hunger sweet or other refined food, held a powerful pre-processing. The problem with these food products is that the processes of purification or refining destroy most of the vitamins and minerals contained in their natural state. Thus, to use in writing products, poor in nutrients, you come to a vicious circle, where, constantly absorbing food, constantly feel the same frustration and the desire to eat. According to statistics, a very large percentage of the population of Western Europe currently consumes food a lot more calories than they need not obtain in sufficient quantities for many vital body substances. Being in such a situation, you are more at risk of suffering from stress or any disease, as some vital organs and systems of your body, not getting adequate nutrition, unable to function normally. 

Janet Thomson
"How to win overweight"
Translation M. Rostovtseva

Tags: nutrition