Diet in autumn

 Autumn - a time of year when the body begins restructuring, that is, he is preparing for the cold. This means it will need a special diet, with which he will avoid a lot of trouble: respiratory, gastric, lung, heart disease. And if this will be possible to get rid of one or two extra pounds - and did great!

During the period of seasonal adaptation organism is particularly sensitive to adverse factors. Nutrients enter the cells with faults, and metabolic processes in them are upset. As a result, the body metabolizes carbohydrates worse. Therefore, at this time in the diet should be as less sweet and more natural antioxidants - fresh vegetable oil, sprouted oats, fruits and vegetables.

Antioxidant activity possess and vitamins A, C, E, as well as an indispensable selenium contained in oysters, crabs and other seafood, as well as in the kidney and liver. In the same list are fish, nuts, lean meats. Diversify your table with these products, and you can easily adapt to the cold.

As we used to fry and soar, and so want to just chill and hot to lukewarm, then a few words about how it should be done properly. Since all fried and spicy spurs the formation of free radicals, which behave as domestic terrorists - damage cell membranes (membrane), then fry the onion and carrot soup (as, indeed, and other products) is not recommended.

Contribute to disruption of metabolic processes as smoking, excessive growth of sports and passion for meat food. Generally, the use of animal protein in the autumn it is desirable to limit, but a piece of lean meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt and other dairy products will not hurt you.

It is better to lean onvegetable proteins - Served beans, lentils, peas, rice, oats and buckwheat porridge. Deserves special respect autumn and onions. On the eve of magnetic storms or directly to this day rassosite mouth half an average head of onion or drink 2-3 tbsp. l. onion juice. It is clear that the important negotiations or a romantic date then you will not go, but very useful.

Good alternate fish diet with dairy plant. The first prevents blood clots, the second helps get rid of toxins produced during metabolism and stimulates the timely recovery of enzymes.

From time to time you can arrange apple-carrot fasting days. Such a diet will reduce blood cholesterol levels and normalizes its clotting. In addition, it will warn of stroke and heart attack, the risk of which at unsustainable autumn weather increases.

Another prophylactic against autumn troubles -chamomile tincture. Enough to drink a few drops to a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal, and you will easily survive natural disasters.

Now invite you to take advantage of this autumn menu, which is very effective in adverse geophysical days. And So ...

Breakfast: oatmeal on the water with dried apricots and nuts (instead of sugar is better to use honey) or a piece of fish (50-60 g), you can lean meat with vegetables and mashed potatoes. Can another option - 100 grams of cottage cheese with sour cream. Slice of bread, tea or a glass of warm milk.

Lunch Time: salad with vegetables or salad, seasoned with vegetable oil. Milk or vegetable soup (soup, broth), 80 g of fish or meat (preferably poultry) with herbs, vegetable or potato side dish. 1-2 slices of bread, a glass of vegetable or fruit juice, or apple compote.

Snack: two apples or banana (by the way, bananas act as natural anti-depressants, improves mood and leveling blood pressure).

Dinner: lettuce, cheese cakes or cheesecake with sour cream (50-100 g). Slice of bread, tea or a glass of milk.

 An hour before bedtime: glass broth hips or yogurt and an apple.

And finally, a few useful tips for those who want to lose weight in autumn.

1. Do not sit at this time of the year on a rigid diet, no matter how beautiful and attractive they may be, because rarely any of them has a long-term outcome in the period when the body is focusing all efforts to combat the adverse external factors.

2. Do not try to eat up to the last crumb everything that is on your plate.

3. Remember, it is better to eat less, but more often than more, but less frequently. The best option - 6 times a day.

4. Do not buy products that do not contain nothing but calories - chips, sodas, etc. D. If they are not there - there is no temptation.

5. You can not lose more than 1 kg per week, because a too rapid weight loss is not lost fat and water, carbohydrates and muscle tissue and fat body, on the contrary, starts very active reserve.

6. Pure vegetable and fruit diet can cause beriberi, as vitamins A and B2 are found mostly in animal products. Completely exclude fats from the diet can not be more because many vitamins are soluble only in fats, besides a bit of healthy fats, which are found, for example, a piece of fish or nuts, no longer help you to feel hungry.

7. And, of course, count calories. If you eat a day less than 800 kcal - it is dangerous to health.

8. If you have more than 20 pounds overweight, losing weight is possible only under medical supervision.

9. The more you sit on a diet, and then again fullness, the greater the risk to get diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Olga Belkin

Tags: diet