Diet against ultraviolet

 Choosing protection from the sun, we did not hesitate to reach for a tube of makeup. However, sunscreen function is performed not only creams and lotions, but also components of our diet. What will help prevent sunburn and protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation?

Fish oil. In recent years, there is much to hear aboutomega-3 fatty acids. In addition to the positive effects on the nervous system and cognitive function, omega-3 fatty acids - an essential component for those who want to have a resilient, well-moisturized skin.

New scientific evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids do not just give the skin surface well-groomed appearance, but also significantly reduce the risk of cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained from oily fish (salmon, tuna, sardine, mackerel), as well as dietary supplements (in capsule).

Four grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day is sufficient to achieve a sunscreen effect. It is important to remember that for a reliable proof action must be taken regularly fatty acid (at least for a few weeks).

Tomato paste (sauce). Red tomatoes gives a special carotenoid dye -lycopene. Although related carotenoids lycopene cause yellow-orange color of carrots, bell pepper and sea buckthorn, red lycopene is most valuable.

Among the dye-carotenoid lycopene is characterized by outstanding antioxidant properties. Thanks to the anti-oxidant, lycopene has long attracted the attention of scientists and physicians.

Lycopene based nutraceuticals developed which contribute to the prevention of cancer. But that's not all. Daily consumption of 2-3 tablespoons of tomato puree, paste or sauce reduces the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet almost a third.

Skin is not so upset in response to a stay in direct sunlight, redness of the skin is expressed not so much. While the overall effect of sunscreen tomatoes does not exceed SPF2-3, reception with food tomato paste protects the whole body, and the effect lasts throughout the day.

It is important to remember that lycopene is better absorbed with fat components. If we talk about a healthy diet, the best companion lycopene - a vegetable oil (olive, grapeseed, sunflower). In addition to tomatoes, lycopene found in watermelons, red bell peppers, apricots and pink grapefruit.

Spinach. Green leafy vegetables (spinach, asparagus, celery, sorrel, parsley, various types of lettuce) unusually richfolic acid (Vitamin B9).

The very name of the vitamin from the Latin word "folium" - "leaf". Daily intake of this vitamin is 400 mcg (and under certain conditions - up to 800 mcg).

In addition to effects on the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, the exchange of body protein and development of the fetus during pregnancy, folic acid ensures the health of our skin. It is proved that a diet rich sources of folic acid significantly reduces not only the risk of developing skin cancers, but also prevents them from occurring again.

Surprisingly, that has given us the dangerous UV rays in the summer nature has given a chance to defend themselves from their negative impact. If during the warmer months sources of folic acid are green leafy vegetables in the winter, this vitamin can be consumed in the form of artificial additives, which offers virtually every pharmacy.

Brown algae - Real favorite spring-summer season. Appreciate them not only for the opportunity to get rid of extra pounds and cellulite, but also for its ability to protect DNA molecules from damage by ultraviolet.

Biochemical composition of kelp is extremely rich, they can be foundseveral tens of active substancesMany of which only opens modern science.

Sushi, seaweed salad or exotic soup - a great addition to cosmetic sunscreens. Products from brown algae - one of the most powerful dietary anti-cancer agents.

Cocoa beans. The benefits of dark chocolate has long been proved by science. Its tonic, antidepressant effects known to many. Cocoa butter is present in the formulations of the leading cosmetics and chocolate baths and body wraps are offered by a growing number of beauty salons.

The strength of dark chocolate (cocoa) is a special ingredient -flavonols. They belong to the group of polyphenols, which have excellent antioxidant properties.

Admission 100g of dark chocolate a day significantly improves skin hydration, making it smoother and less sensitive to UV light. This means that you can stay longer in the air, safely and enjoying our vacation short Russian summer!

Tags: diet