The new face of women's magazine JustLady

 We are pleased to inform you that the October 29, 2007 Women's Online Magazine JustLady radically changed its appearance. True to its name, and the canons of fashion, updated magazine appeared before his readers of a more bright, memorable and positive style.  

Designed for real women and affecting on its pages the most interesting topics for JustLady not complete two years of existence gained an audience of thousands of readers around the world.

Women here every day expecting news of fashion and cosmetics, fitness - program, a complete list of all kinds of diets and interesting conversation on the forum.

JustLady read active women, combining good looks and softness, passion and seduction wishing to improve themselves and their lives.
Our readers are very different and not similar to each other, but always bright and eager for a change!

By changing the design, we also want to change, do not want to stand still and repeat the experience of women's magazines, sparkling "now fashionable" gray.

Like a real woman, our JustLady becomes more beautiful and more interesting every day, and therefore want to show themselves, to meet the guests and cause genuine delight their fans!

We are always glad to see you on the pages of our magazine!

Special thanks to online design studio DirectVision.

Tags: magazine