Gorgeous Valentino

 Friends of the great couturier agreed that the name of Valentino's high time to bring in a dictionary and write in small letters - as a synonym for the words of great, stunning, charmingly. However, the huge demand has not kept the master of glamor from the show in January, his latest collection of haute couture and care-deserved rest. To finally get the opportunity to watch the fruits of their creativity on the part of ...  

BORN family Seller light bulbs! From birth (11 May 1932), the boy showed an interest in drawing, and a little grown up - for art and sewing. To the dismay of his mother the young Valentino Garavani experienced unacceptable for a poor Italian family passion for luxury goods and wealth. Desire to rise to the higher strata of society caused him to squeeze through the crowd of townsfolk and jump into an imaginary elevator. Of course, instead of the floor, he chose the button titled "Paris"!

Studied singers and dancers. Student of the Paris School of Fine Arts is often skipped classes to attend the opera, and to look at the costumes in classical dance productions. It was there that he was impressed red, and he learned many decorative elements, which are still visible in his clothes. After a brief internship with Jean Dessaix, concertmaster of the future of haute couture returned to Italy, there to continue his career.

Wear most stylish and strong women of the last century. Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, Jacqueline Kennedy - they were all his fans. Master bias cut than he is especially famous for, from the very beginning of his career, sang femininity and sensuality. These properties are in dresses attracted most of the clients.

Invented ...

Ready-made clothes

The first Italian artists he dared to release a collection of pret-a-porter - a line of readymade garments. Simple and versatile outfits that can be worn in everyday life, have been demonstrated in 1962, instantly became popular. Until that time, his colleagues exposed to the podium only art-arhitekurnye masterpieces, which was afraid to touch, not what to wear.

MALNKOE ... white dress!

In the late '60s, when the fashion world dominated Bright colors and Valentino created White Collection - a series of rosy white dresses. Of course, it was a risky move. But the next morning the phone rang incessantly! Jacqueline Kennedy ordered a designer wedding dress (white lace mini-dress), in which both appeared on the marriage ceremony with Aristotle Onassis. Of course, all shades of bright palette instantly filled the streets of Rome.

Line of perfume

Again ambitious designer outscored their compatriots Italians. No one has ever dreamed of copyright perfumes and "chic sheikh", as it was then called, in 1978, released his own fragrance Valentino Classique - a unique, elusive and perfect.

RED and Max-Length

Long red dresses perfect cut since the 1950s have become the hallmark of the master. Even when fashion forced all women in the world wearing mini, loyal client wore a maxi. But Valentino! And now each of his collection is completed masterpiece red floor-length crown logo with the letter V.

He lives in the end of XIX century mansion in London. And still has an apartment in New York, with windows facing Central Park. And, of course, in Rome, in the house of his mother, who still does not believe that her son - himself a great Valentino. However, 75-year-old scion of increasingly prefer to spend time in other "safe haven" - his estate near Paris.

Collecting city ​​and country, which tirelessly travels. Bizarre things bought at flea markets all over the world (for example, the Chinese screen XVIII century), and of course, painting, which is crammed to overflowing all apartments Maitre, from Picasso to Warhol and Rothko. Each of his house is a small museum!

Be friends Gwyneth Paltrow, Uma Thurman, Sandra Bullock, Scarlett Johansson, Keira Knightley and Meryl Streep. It is thanks to Meryl he got to shooting the film "The Devil Wears Prada". In addition to the stellar people, the designer manages to maintain good relations with their competitors! Karl Lagerfeld, Giorgio Armani, Donatella Versace and other colleagues sat in the front row on his last show.

It helps novice designers. In the near future - the creation of an organization that will support young talents, regardless of the direction in which they work.

DREAMSTo remain fashion fashion, art, inspiration, but not in commerce, where managers chief designer. To classics and was held in high esteem, and suppressed new ideas, which also have the right to life. To femininity remained in favor, and the ladies are not turned into "gentlemen" ... So be it!

Svetlana Savorona

Tags: suit, Valentino