But what to do when you want to "observe and innocence, and acquire capital" - ie, messing with cigarettes and save your skin. If you wish, you can to some extent prevent the negative consequences of this bad habit - it is necessary to conduct an intensive set of cosmetic procedures. But above does not hurt to know the essence of the problem.
Or maybe not?
Tobacco belongs to the widespread consumed harmful substances. It contains substances affecting the central nervous system, creates a pleasant feeling, not causing intoxication. Poisonous alkaloid - nicotine - in small doses has a stimulating effect in the short term has a calming and harmonizing effect. Therefore, many smokers, especially under stress, in a state of fear, nervousness stretch for a cigarette to relieve the tension.
Nicotine affects not only easy, but also the skin. Our skin is constantly exposed to the adverse effects of smoke. As a result - compacted stratum corneum, is destroyed collagen structure of the skin and wrinkles
Nicotine degrades and destroys the blood supply to the collagen and elastic fibers of the skin. Prematurely aging skin, especially around the eyes. The depth of wrinkles around the eyes - the so-called "crow's feet" - after nine years of smoking becomes five times deeper than non-smokers. Only one cigarette two million people inhale dust, the oxygen concentration in the blood is reduced by 5% and reduces the blood supply to the body by a third. Impaired blood supply to stimulate the emergence of diseases, which significantly affects the face of smokers.
Tiny particles of smoke film deposited on the skin fat, forming an impermeable layer of harmful substances, which may lead to the appearance of comedones and pustules. Because of poor blood supply to the skin of the face becomes pale, flabby, dry and tired. It looks rough, macroporous, prone to increased production of fat and wrinkles, and sometimes burdened by rosacea. In the wings of the nose visible burst veins (teleangi-ectasia). Many comedones female smokers formed around the eyes near the ears, and sometimes for auricles also often suffer nose and chin increases tend number of acne.
If all of the above you are not scared and did not discourage hunting smoke, go to the next section of the article.
What to do?
a) Thorough cleaning
Smoking men and women should be regularly and thoroughly cleanses the skin. After the initial cleansing with a mild detergent gel is necessary to perform chemical to remove keratinization, often appearing on the forehead, chin and side portions of the cheeks.
Can be carried out exfoliation with sea salt or enzymes. It is particularly effective if applied in an appropriate vehicle for ten minutes. Enzyme Peeling removes dead skin particles and fat. Fund balances for peeling removed using frimatora. We remind you that mechanical peeling on sensitive skin is not recommended.
b) Stimulation of blood circulation
If your skin is not very sensitive, it can be a cleansing mask, stimulates blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin and soften the fat cork that will facilitate their removal. Then the skin is carefully cleaned with a lancet or cannula and disinfected. And only then applied active substances that stimulate blood circulation: Vitamin A, fruit acids, collagen, elastin, and Qelee Royale, which is able to retain moisture. Fat containing formulations give a smaller effect, it is recommended to use them in conjunction with electrophoresis.
The following procedure - soft soothing massage, while not very sensitive skin, it can be more energetic. As massage cream can take any O / W-emulsion. After finishing massage, the skin impose constricting mask - Lifting or collagen linen containing preparations from calf and modeling of vitamin A. For the skin of smokers fit all the masks that are biologically active nonfat basis. Concentrates and masks promote intensive moisturizing of the skin.
For irritated skin around the eyes used collagen packages that applied at the time of the mask. After a while the remnants of the mask is removed using a warm compress applied to the skin and the biologically active agent, moisturizing day cream or make-up day.
c) Regular maintenance
In order to ensure optimal skin care, women smokers should systematically carry out the necessary procedures and at home. Very useful (along with preparations for cleansing and care) light enzyme peel to remove dead skin cells, it is enough to apply once a week. For intensive skin hydration necessary treatment courses with concentrates of biologically active substances. Irritated skin around the eyes should be treated daily with a special tool for care.
Regular skin care in the salon and at home, although not able to completely prevent the negative effects of smoking, but largely will protect it from premature aging.