In category Beauty: Eyelashes - Capacity
Probably, it is far from the truth now. For women who do not want to grow old, modern cosmetology invent more and more money. But no, no, yes falls upon us frightening information about the harmfulness of certain expensive drugs. Scary! But something to be beautiful anyway you want!
So why not go back to the well-forgotten old? In addition, it is checked centuries. For example, milk. For cosmetic purposes since time immemorial it has been used women all over the world.
Beauty Poppaea - Nero's second wife - took baths of donkey milk. Even traveling, she pierces with a five hundred she asses. The ancient Romans believed that better means than donkey milk, anti-wrinkle simply does not exist. Modern lady, of course, can not afford to content donkey herd. But as scientists have proved, cow's milk is not worse.
Avicenna recommended to drink milk to preserve youth. Great doctors say that if you regularly drink milk with honey, the complexion significantly improve. Modern woman is nothing stopping to drink a glass of milk at night with a spoon of honey. This will not only improve the complexion, but will sleep well.
Academician IP Pavlov found in the milk of about three hundred different nutrients. In order to maintain healthy skin perfectly milkfat. In its single drop is more than one hundred millions of tiny fat globules, which is rich in vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin. Our skin absorbs and assimilates perfectly milkfat, finding youth and elasticity.
Moreover, many useful milk contains enzymes and vitamins, sugars, minerals and natural pigments. With regular washing milk smooth wrinkles much faster than advertised on expensive creams. Skin lightening before our eyes, finding the lost freshness and elasticity.
Not less useful for our skin and sour milk products: kefir, sour. Do not rush to dispose of and the usual sour milk. It will cleanse, nourish and whiten your skin.
For oily skin and rough right for acidic foods. With such a thin layer of the skin of sour milk can be left on your face all night. If you have dry skin mask holds a few minutes. Then the face is rinsed with water and apply a nourishing cream.
Sour cream and cream make the skin silky and soft. Easily absorbed and almost without leaving a trace of fat, they improve blood circulation in the skin and metabolism.
To lighten freckles suitable serum remaining in the preparation of cottage cheese.
Autumn evening care is not only to improve the appearance, but also help to part with depression.
Here are some masks from the kingdom of rivers of milk:
1. Two tablespoons of "Hercules" seethe the polstakane milk to the state of porridge. Apply in the form of heat to the face, neck, chest thick. Top hide terry c / b towel. Keep up to cool down. Wash with warm water. Clean the skin with a piece of ice green tea or peppermint.
2. One tablespoon of milk, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil mix thoroughly and apply on face for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.
3.In the warm milk add oatmeal and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. This mask whiten and soften the skin of any type.
4. Two tablespoons of whey pour two tablespoons of flour from green peas (you can cook the flour itself on a coffee grinder). Apply on face and keep until dry, but not more than 30 minutes. Wash with warm water and always rinse your face with cool.
5. If you are a mature woman, you are useful mask of curd. Cook them very easily. For example, two tablespoons of cottage cheese mixed with one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply on face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm compresses and wash with cold water.
Another simple mask of curd. Two tablespoons of cottage cheese mixed with 1 tablespoon of cream and 1 tablespoon of grapefruit juice (squeezed his own). Juice from the package do not need to use. Keep the mask for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and wash with mineral water without gas.
Not only to nourish, moisturize, but also whiten the skin, you can make a mask of curd and honey. Two tablespoons of cottage cheese mixed with one tablespoon of honey. Stir until smooth and apply on face for 30 minutes. Mask used only if you are not allergic to honey. Rinse with warm water. Wipe the face with ice (if possible - from lime blossom). Apply a moisturizer.
Whiten dry skin possible by means of fat cottage cheese and cream. One tablespoon of cottage cheese mixed with one teaspoon of cream and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix well to avoid lumps. Keep on the face for 20 minutes. Our mothers for enhancing the effect of added masks bleaching hydrogen peroxide.
Two teaspoons of curd mixed with egg yolk and add five drops of hydrogen peroxide. All carefully grind to uniform mass. Before you apply the mask on your face, try it in the crook of the elbow. If an allergic reaction during the day will not apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Take off the mask with warm compress, then wash with ice from the broth chamomile.
6. If the skin is beginning to fade, it will help mask of sour cream. Two tablespoons of sour cream and one teaspoon of salt to mix well until smooth. Apply on face for 20 minutes. Remove warm compress. Wash with cool water. This mask does not make more than 2 times a week and at least once. Course - 20 masks.
7. The mask of white bread and milk will make your skin soft as fresh bread, and light like milk. To do this, take a large slice of white bread, cut with a crust. Crumb pour milk and stir well until thick sour cream average. Apply for half an hour on the face. Wash with warm water, then cool and apply nourishing cream. This mask can be done as often as needed.
8. Our great-grandmother often made from oatmeal mask. Two tablespoons of oatmeal pour half a glass of hot milk, add half a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of honey. Apply on face for 15 minutes. Remove with warm herbal compress. Wash with cool water.
Dairy masks can be used throughout the year.
Author: Natalia Antonova