Lead foot in the order can be at home via natural natural sources. Take it a few half-hour sessions per week - and rest assured, the result is bound to affect your mood and beneficial impact on the practice of yoga.
Stops are located on 250,000 sweat glands that produce eight times more moisture than any part of the body. Therefore, during practice to not slip on the mat, regularly carry out a simple procedure. Put the two bags of black tea in 0, 5 liters of boiling water and brew for 15 minutes. Then, add a glass of cold water, put the foot in the tub for about half an hour. During this time the tannic acid, which is found in tea, normalizes the acid-base balance and prevent unpleasant odors and microbes.
Mycosis - At least a common problem, as is easily transmitted in public places where it is accepted to go barefoot. The reason for this fungal disease, usually accompanied by unpleasant itching can become even yoga mats public, so bring your own in the class is extremely helpful.
Geranium oil and tea tree have antibacterial properties. Add them to the cream or talc for feet - and they serve as an excellent preventive measure.
Dampness - A fertile environment for the development of fungal diseases, so make sure to stop, especially the area between the toes, where moisture is usually delayed, were always clean and dry.
Corn, fortunately, is not contagious, but still bring their owners a lot of inconvenience. As a rule, their appearance - a protective reaction of the organism to the constant pressure or friction. Nevertheless, from the time it is necessary to get rid of corns with pumice or foot scrub.
In addition, you can add in the tub to stop fresh or canned pineapple juice. This tropical fruit containsbromelain - A natural enzyme that promotes skin softening calluses and heels.